Question for chip and dale fans?!


Question for chip and dale fans?

yep, chip and dale, the cutest critters on t.v. when my mum and dad were youngsters. so, chip and dale used to have a saying but my folks don't remember the exact phrase.
they think it was three lines, with the last line being
'whos your friend?
anyone out there know what the saying was? just curiousity on my part but i'd love to find out. thanks in advance.
p.s. for those that remember my question a week or so back, my dad's stress test went well, my brother truly is an idiot! they had to change my dad's heart meds a bit but he is ok!
thanks again!

Answers: Actually it wasn't from the Rescue Rangers show. They only did it in the classic cartoon "Donald Applecore" from way back in the 1950's. It started out as a schoolyard gag and Disney borrowed it for that episode. Anywho, here it is:

First, somebody finishes eating an apple, holds up the core and says "Apple Core."
Another person says "Baltimore."
The first person replies with "Who's your friend?"
The second person says/points to who it is and the person with the apple core tosses it in the friend's face. I remember them doing these little bows and an arm sweep, saying, "After you!" "No! After you!" or something like that, being very courteous.

I was close! The other would say, "No! I insist! After you...!" Well, I was close!

I do have vague memories of watching them, but that's such a long time ago! Didn't they sing a little song? "I'm Chip!" "I'm Dale!" I've forgotten the rest.

Let me check the Net. Applecore
Whos your friend?
*splats with apple*

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