Fresh Prince of Bel-Air:?!


Fresh Prince of Bel-Air:?

Does anyone know the ages or at least the age differences of the characters in Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? It doesn’t need to be exact just in the general range. Thank you so much if you do.

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3 weeks ago
By the way, to get rid of confusion, I am talking about the sixth season. Sorry about the misunderstanding.


In the sixth season, (the last season) Will and Carlton are in college so I would say that they were about 19 or 20.

When Will first moved to Bel Air he was 16, and Ashley was 11 so I would say that in the 6th season Ashley is 14 or 15.

I think Hilary is like 24. But I am not sure.

Nicky, in the last season is like 5. They made his character grow up faster, lol. He was like 1 in one season then all of a sudden hes 5!

I hope I helped...... here are some cool Fresh Prince websites.

Cya! :)

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