On Y&R, now that they have given Nikki a life, who finds her to be irritatin!


On Y&R, now that they have given Nikki a life, who finds her to be irritating and smug as of late?

Do you like the "old" Nikki or the "new" Nikki? She certainly has come into her own as of late, but is it for the better or the worst?


Old Nikki was the best. If it was old Nikki running for the Senate and lost, I would feel bad for her but I was glad when New Nikki lost because she was an annoying *****! Her whining, complaining, and snobbishness got on my nerves! I also did not like how she was totally fighting against Neil for his position on the board. Neil really deserved and earned the position because of his dedication and work at Newman Enterprises. She thought being Victor's wife was reason enough that she should have the job but Victor knew better than that!

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