Commander Data's joke on Star Trek NG? A monk, a clone, and a Ferengi... Can y!


Commander Data's joke on Star Trek NG? A monk, a clone, and a Ferengi... Can you finish it?

There was a Star Trek Next Generation episode in which Data is trying to understand the concept of humor.
He programs the holodeck with stand-up comedians to learn how to tell a joke. I think one of the comedians was Henny Youngman.

At the end of the story, Data begins to tell a joke.
He says, "A monk, a clone, and a Ferengi decide to go bowling together..."
He is interupted before he can finish and the story ends.
The joke is never finished.
It has bothered me for YEARS!

Can you finish Data's joke and give me peace?
Please make up a funny ending to it.


A monk, a clone, and a Ferengi decide to go bowling together...

The Ferengi says, wow, I was at a club last night where the hollow decks have the best oo-mox * programs. I did not want to leave. What do you two do for pleasure. The monk replies, I don't. I try to live my live with the abstinence from worldly pleasures so that I may focus on spirituality. The Ferengi looks at him and says, don't be a hypocrite, you are going bowling with us for crying out loud, I think you only pretend to be a monk in order to claim vow of poverty when the bar tab arrives. How about you clone, now be honest. What do you do for pleasure? The clone looks down and appears ashamed. I make Xerox copies of my butt.

Data has to explain that a Xerox became a generic term for an ancient machine that copied paper. I figure any joke Data tells would have to have a punch line that he ends up explaining.

* oo-mox - A Ferengi word to describe the sensations they feel when their ears are stimulated.

okay, not very funny, but hopefully it is Star Treky. I loved that show : )

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