One Tree Hill End of Season 4 - Karen?!


One Tree Hill End of Season 4 - Karen?

What happens to Karen at the end of Season 4? I live in britain, so I haven't seen it yet, but I have seen clips on youtube and eager to know!!

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2 weeks ago
How does she become unconcious?


Thankfully, she lives. She has a beautiful little girl which she named Lily.

The rest shows some major spoilers so if you don't want to know anything else besides that, then don't read any further.


She was unconcious and there was this little moment where she was in heaven with Keith and her daughter, and that's where she got the idea to name her daughter Lily. Dan confessed to killing Keith, and Karen will never forgive him. Lucas and Brooke are James Lucas Scott's (Haley and Nathan's baby) god parents. Whitey takes a jub at a college and accepts Nathan on his team. Rachel comes back. Shelley ended Clean Teens.

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