Serious Question. Name forms of alien technology?!

Question: Things u believe that came from other worlds. Serious

Answers: Things u believe that came from other worlds. Serious

Honestly? I don't believe anything's come *directly* to us from another world as yet. Unless there are loopholes in relativity we don't know about as yet, these things take serious *time*. Anything sent from the nearest *star*, Proxima Centauri, for example, would take what, roughly *17 years* to get here if the object traveled at an *average* speed of half the speed of light.

But...there are other ways. In my half-educated opinion, it might have been possible that some *very few* of us might not have been local to our planet. Like, one in a million or so, that they might have been sent, planted here, say from "elsewhere"--either from another space *or* time....


--By the time Tutankhamen became pharoah of ancient Egypt, there was at least *one* royal chariot made--yes, it was found buried in a pyramid a few years ago--that had a *fully independent suspension*, complete with leaf springs and primitive leather tethers that may have served as shock absorbers. Neither the Hittites nor the Romans to follow duplicated this feat, even though they could have *with superior materials*, and used chariots *more* than the Egyptians did.

--The way the Mongol hordes waged warfare, back in the early 1200s, was a serious aberration, just in terms of how *modern* the approach was. While everyone else used heavy armor, lances and/or swords, the armies under Genghis and Ogadai Khan were entirely based on horseback archery, with light armor to match. Their *composite bows* were better than anything out there in terms of bows and arrows...

And their system of organization and command, based on banners and horn signals, was almost anachronistic in its sophistication and in the discipline it instilled. Also consider that this was the by-product of a *democratic meritocracy* the likes of which didn't exist elsewhere at the time, and wouldn't exist elsewhere for a long time afterwards.

Also consider that this passed in just *two* generations.

--Then look at the early Victorian era "bicycles". O-. <-- That's no smiley, that's a representation of what they *looked like*. *Huge* wheel up front, anywhere from 6-9 *feet* tall, and a tiny wheel at the rear.

Were these things designed by a human? Gotta wonder.

--In the meantime, you also get Nikolai Tesla, the Russian answer to Thomas Edison. Father of alternating current electricity, he was also (in)famous for coming up with extreme and eccentric ways to use electricity, such as broadcasting it *over the airwaves* to deliver power to homes, or using it to send signals *magnetically* to outer space.... Was this an entirely human approach to electrical science?

--Then you get Albert Einstein. The guy had to fight his way to get in the room and *do* physics, and the physics he did was hotly disputed and pored over for generations, because it was *both* so counter-intuitive and so *accurate*. Was this the product of *human genius*, or did this too come from "elsewhere"?

--And in more modern times, the Weirdness comes harder and faster. Neutron bombs (banned, but the designs are still out there). Photocopiers, of the old-school Xerox sort--using *static cling* and toner to print to paper. The *cadendacy effect*, or using acoustic backpressure to boost the torque of two-stroke engines. Modern television, done by way of Farnsworth's "cathode ray tube" (never mind RCA's stealing the patent).

Modern day, SSRI-type antidepressants--because for years serotonin was considered a *poison*, and in moderate to large doses still is....what passes for "cognitive behavioral" therapy these days, mainly because it *totally IGNORES* the main point of B.F. Skinner's work. Skinner believed in using *rewards* first, removing unpleasant conditions second, removing pleasant conditions third and *Punishment* was to be reserved as a *last resort*. Does the aversives- and workbooks-oriented nature of much of "modern therapy" really resemble anything "behavioral" according to the *Human* sense of the word?

And now, we have the *touchscreen* on the iPhone, which doesn't even need *direct contact* for some functions to work. O_O And this is just stuff common *in the United States*, I'm sure it gets further out there still in Japan and Europe, where cellphones and mobile tech are more advanced.

So yeah. Some of this stuff might not be *entirely local*. It *might well* be due to the occasional planting of "aliens"--that one in a million shot--who are ahead of their time.

Hope this helps and thanks for your time! Good Question!



The Ruby Laser, for one.

I believe that conspiracy theories came from different worlds.


michal Jackson

There is no alien tech because there are no aliens.

crop circles... I really dont get it..its too sophisticated and intricate to be man made...


google. and wal-mart.
those are not from this world.

hard to say, lots of things did if you go back far enough, technology, i have no clue! but plenty of rocks and ice chunks in the past

Anal probes!!!

Greedy humans : they have been destroying the habitat and killing other species like no other species.

transistors, silicon technology- serious

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