Survey: Did you celebrate Earth hour? Another question inside...?!

Question: Now for my real question........ My oldest nephew has a son, technically I am his great aunt. Am I correct? My fiance and I had a discussion over this the other day and it has been on my mind. He said that Nico, my nephew's son, is nothing to me. He stated this after I bought him a birthday card "to nephew" and I said that I was his aunt but technically his great aunt. But you don't have to go around saying "great" in front of either aunt or nephew. I'm not sure why it stuck with me but it did. Anyway, I would appreciate all of your responses. Thank you in advanced.

Answers: Now for my real question........ My oldest nephew has a son, technically I am his great aunt. Am I correct? My fiance and I had a discussion over this the other day and it has been on my mind. He said that Nico, my nephew's son, is nothing to me. He stated this after I bought him a birthday card "to nephew" and I said that I was his aunt but technically his great aunt. But you don't have to go around saying "great" in front of either aunt or nephew. I'm not sure why it stuck with me but it did. Anyway, I would appreciate all of your responses. Thank you in advanced.

No, I did not celebrate Earth Day. My house is a chilly 60 degrees (55 - 64, depending upon the weather), so why celebrate?
As to your question, YES, you are the Great Aunt.
As to "nothing to me", wow! I mean, that's what family is all about.
Just check for this question in the Genealogy Section; it is one of the most common questions, about relationships! Or you could google the question...
But, from my long life, the answer is Yes, you are Nico's great aunt. And, apparently a "great" aunt at that to think of him.

ur a great aunt.

I wanted to but forgot. I reminded my mother in the morning
but we forget by 8:00 pm =(

hey, no I did not celebrate Earth hour, I couldn't. I was not at home.

however, I just had to pop in and 'open' your question to see what was inside!!!!!!

I was hoping it was going to be a free prize you great aunt you!

Yes to Earth Hour, and how can your blood nephews child be nothing to you, your fiancee is wrong.

is your fiances' name Bubba? And no i did not celebrate Earth hour,

Barb, I didn't celebrate earth hour, I was so busy I forgot it. About Nico, even though you are his great aunt, you are still his aunt and i'm sure he appreciates the birthday card.

Yes, We Celebrated "Earth Hour" here in S, Fl....!!

Yes, You are a Blood-Related "Great Aunt"...!!

nope i did not

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