When life hands you lemons you...?!

Question: squeeze it in their eyes.

Answers: squeeze it in their eyes.

make lemonade.

say thank you and put them in the fridge til i need em

make lemonade

throw them i neyes.. lol

Squirt their juice in the eyes of my enemies
Then throw the pulpless halves at people

Throw it at the idiot who hurt you.

break out in hives, I am allergic to them

You go on a killing spree?

put 'em in the fridge!

or just throw them at somebody

Give them right back. I don't like lemons.

...grab the tequila bottle, some salt and a shot glass and GO FOR IT!!! =)

find someone who's life hands them vodka and party.

pucker up, everything tastes better after that.

make Lemonade....

when life hands me lemons, i grab a salt shaker, and a bottle of tequilla.

hey, it's better then lemon aide.

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