Poll: Pro life? or Pro death penalty?!

Question: For or against? Please in a tactful manner give a valid explanation for your choice.
(I give no thumbs down)

Answers: For or against? Please in a tactful manner give a valid explanation for your choice.
(I give no thumbs down)

Morally I am against abortion, but I think those issues are very gray, so I am reluctant to make it illegal.

I am in favor of the death penalty. Contrary to what some would argue, I don't see a disconnect between a pro-life position and in being in favor of the death penalty. Those babies haven't done anything to be a threat to society, unlike most on death row.


Pro life :)

Pro death penalty. Fry the killers, rapists, and child molesters/abusers.

Pro-life. No need for death penalty - two wrongs don't make a right.

But I can see both sides of the argument.

death penalty. if your gonna go around killing others it makes no sense

i believe there are some crimes that you commit that can not rehabilitated, child rapists and mass murders desearve death it's that simple

I'm pro life.

Against capital punishment,

This video pretty much explains it, as i agree with everything it says

Pro Death Penalty

(no one is gonna like this BUT) I believe in today's world with overpopulation slowly choking our resources to death that the criminals who would end up on death row are merely a liability to society as a whole. Call it the Jesus effect if you must, sacrificing a few to save billions

I am pro life and pro death penalty. I do not approve of using the death penalty because I do not trust the lawyers and judges to do the right thing. I'm pro life for babies and think old people should be able to choose their method and time of death. I guess I'm all over the place. I just hate to see babies getting killed.

Pro death penalty. I hate to say that but the world is getting crazier by the day and people have lost all respect for others and life in general. Maybe the fear of losing their life will teach them to respect the lives of others.

Besides that, I don't believe it's society responsibility to support and rehabilitate some people who do heinous crimes. Yes, I do believe in rehabilitating some and hope it's being done, but for repeat offenders... no, or if the crime was too heinous.

Just my opinion.. we are all entitled to our own.

amen, let's eat.

I am for capital punishment because if someone does not have any respect for someone else's life, why should we have respect for theirs. Some people are rabid animals killing innocent people, including children and I do not wish to foot their bill for a lifetime imprisonment. I say put them down.

I'm against the Death Penalty. I don't believe in killing people.

i am pro choice (it's not my body) and i am pro death penalty (some crimes demand death, such as child rape, etc.)

As simply as I can put it.

Spare the innocent and punish the guilty.

im pro death penalty. if someone can take someone elses life i dont think that our tax dollars should be going to making sure they have food on their table. If they didnt want to give the person they killed the consideration of having a life i dont feel they deserve to continue theirs. Too many times now a days people have excuses and pass the blame for what they did instead of owning up to it and accepting the consequences.

It just depends what crime you commit. For the most part pro-life, but really, it depends what you did.

Death penalty, because the victims of the crime never had a chance to ask the jury to spare their lives. The criminal is asking for something that they never gave their own victims.
Funny, when it is their life, the rules change.

i am pro-death
i think life in prison is a very miserable thing, so why not end their life a little early. i know if i ever ended up killing someone i would wish to be on death row and to die by lethal injection
i have a strange interest in serial killers and the death penalty and stuff so i like this question
i was watching on tv one time that this lady was in life in prison and she hated prison so much because there were so many rules she had to follow and she said shed rather have the death penalty
i would chose death penalty over life in prison
im usually a very peaceful person but when it comes to this topic i would have to say people should die or at least have a choice to be in prison or death row, eh?!

Pro-Life in regards to unborn children. I consider anything that grows to have some life in it. Abortion is an easy out. Thumbs down me if you want. I don't believe in murdering innocent children.

Pro-Death Penalty.

It depends, crimes of passion I say a prison sentence.

Serial Killers or anyone who has killed more than one person (unless in a crime of passion like the husband comes home and kills his cheating wife and her boyfriend)
should be killed the way they killed their victims.

Murderers and rapists do not get my pity or mercy because they show none themselves. I call for justice in a world that so often slaps somones wrist.

How is this a just world when a child molester gets 3 years in jail and is released? When a rapists serves 5 year and is free to prey on more victims? When murderers get 20 years and then are allowed to wander the streets again?

Welcome to 2008... For all the newborns this year I apologize for the sorry state of this world...

well i believe in the death penalty for certain things like rapists and murders but for numerous accounts. like if someone rapes someone, they should be put in jail, but if they get out and it continues, then the death penalty should happen. im so sick of hearing about people getting away with things so many times and only getting jail for it.

I am pro death penalty. So many people hurt innocent victims, go to prison, get out and kill, rape or maim again. Prison does nothing to rehabilitate, it only trains career criminals. I object to my tax money going to house inmates, while I work to barely get by. If you go in for violent crime, you get the shot, bye bye better luck in your next life.

Pro death penalty.

Some people just deserve to die. If we have evidence that they are a serial killer or rapist, then they should take what they gave out - pain.

against the death penalty..it's not our decision whether someone dies for their crimes...they will pay eventually

An eye for an eye is what the bible says and I believe if you take a life and it's for no reason they should be put to DEATH.. No Ifs or Buts about it!!!
A Friend,

I'm pro death penalty. Just as long as they have the right person strapped up, down or whatever I think it's something that should be done. It does help the population problem and it help weed out those that aren't going to be progressive members of society, I do however think it should be a quicker process for those that are definitely known to have committed the crime (seeing as we are paying for their room and board) and I also think that the means of death should be quick. Yes, they may have done something wrong and they need to pay for it, but, does that mean you should take total enjoyment in it? You're no better than them at THAT point.

I am Pro-Life and think the death penalty is a very necessary deterrent!

Pro death penalty.

I'm pro death penalty. And pro abortion. I'm frustrated that there are people on death row who have been there for what seems like ever. And I pay for their f'in care! that pisses me off. I hate that they get full heath care services while in there, yet millions of working people do not have any. I hate that all these backed up cases (ones on appeal or trying to get DNA evidence on old cases) has virtually stopped the death row process for those we know are guilty. Why is someone who confesses, and has DNA evidence against them held for any amount of time? In my opinion, move them on to the next life where they can try to become something worth while. It's just moving gods processes along.

Opposed, with pragmatic reasons and sources.

You don't have to sympathize with criminals or want them to avoid terrible punishments for terrible crimes to ask if the death penalty prevents or even reduces crime, to look at alternatives and to think about the risks of executing innocent people. Your question deserves facts with credible sources, not sound bites.

127 people on death rows released with proof that they were wrongfully convicted. DNA, available in less than 10% of all homicides, can’t guarantee we won’t execute innocent people.

The death penalty doesn't prevent others from committing murder. No reliable study shows the death penalty deters others. To deter others a punishment must be sure and swift. The death penalty is neither. Homicide rates are higher in states and regions that have it than in those that don’t.

We have a good alternative, life without parole, on the books in 48 states. It means what it says. It is sure, swift and rarely appealed. Life without parole costs less than the death penalty.

The death penalty costs much more than life in prison, mostly because of the legal process which is supposed to prevent executions of innocent people.

The death penalty isn't reserved for the worst crimes, but for defendants with the worst lawyers. It doesn't apply to people with money. When is the last time a wealthy person was on death row, let alone executed?

The death penalty doesn't necessarily help families of murder victims. Murder victim family members have testified that the drawn-out death penalty process is painful for them and that life without parole is an appropriate alternative.

Problems with speeding up the process. Over 50 of the innocent people released from death row had already served over a decade. Speed up the process and we will execute innocent people.

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