Older Guys..Do you still Cry...?!

Question: Do any of you older guys still cry?…Ladies,, do you think it ok for us to cry?
Lately l have do a lot of crying… since becoming redundant 6 months l feel l have let everyone done.. You try for a job, and then you get THE letter saying you are not being considered for the position. That makes you worse and l have many a time cried at yet another refusal. You fell that at 54 you are now on the scrap heap. You have work all you life till this happens. Never having been unemployed before, you feel as if you are a criminal having to go to the Job Centre to sign on very other week.
I have been out and just seeing others you know are working has made me feel like crying. You fell very low, and then it just happens, you cry,
I have done more crying over the last few months than l think all my adult life put together.
Bur at last l can smile as l have now landed a job. So maybe l can now at last have something to smile about… at least l have had the love of my wife to see me through….
Ladies do you think.. “.men don’t cry…” or is it ok for older men to cry ..

Answers: Do any of you older guys still cry?…Ladies,, do you think it ok for us to cry?
Lately l have do a lot of crying… since becoming redundant 6 months l feel l have let everyone done.. You try for a job, and then you get THE letter saying you are not being considered for the position. That makes you worse and l have many a time cried at yet another refusal. You fell that at 54 you are now on the scrap heap. You have work all you life till this happens. Never having been unemployed before, you feel as if you are a criminal having to go to the Job Centre to sign on very other week.
I have been out and just seeing others you know are working has made me feel like crying. You fell very low, and then it just happens, you cry,
I have done more crying over the last few months than l think all my adult life put together.
Bur at last l can smile as l have now landed a job. So maybe l can now at last have something to smile about… at least l have had the love of my wife to see me through….
Ladies do you think.. “.men don’t cry…” or is it ok for older men to cry ..

your not weak, your human, yes it is ok. It is a way of dealing with all the stress. We ALL need a good cry sometimes


I cry every day. Why ? Go to Morphyne.com

Yes its fine for guys to express there feeling via crying, Shows that there not scared of what people may say if they are seen crying
So yes its totally fine

totally ok for men to cry, its weird if the DONT. men have emotions so for women to think they shouldnt cry is absurd.

sounds like you went through a really bad patch, it'll get better....eventually.

I think its ok for any man to cry...

however if its as you described earlier in your question...'crying when you see ppl with jobs' then i would say that it may be more a case of having depression rather than letting their feelings show

I do but not very often. I teared up at my father's funeral and when my ex-fiancee let me hold her newborn baby boy (the one that could have been mine if I wasn't so foolish) but all in all, I'd say I cry about something maybe once or twice a year.

I think It's OK for a man of any age to cry. Why should it be wrong? It shows they are caring and I think it's a very lovable trait.

Yes defiantely, I think its ok for men to cry.

Glad you found a job, I know a few people this has happened to and its crazy. Especially when I have been at the other end of the scale, finished uni and couldnt find a job because employers want experience not qualifications :/ You just cant win!

Not in years,,,

Of course it is OK to cry sweetheart.
I was registered disabled at the ripe age of 45. I have worked all my life; even as a single parent. I understand how you must have felt.
Mr.B sometimes cries with the injustice of life and I love him the more for it.
Pleased to hear you have good news about work and you share a special love and bond with your wife.
Men of any age should never feel 'afraid' of showing their true emotions.

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