What interesting words of wisdom can you share.....?!

Question: ...okay then, they don't have to be interesting or even wise!!? does that make it easier!?

Answers: ...okay then, they don't have to be interesting or even wise!!? does that make it easier!?

1. when life gives u a hundred reasons to cry, show life that u have a thousand reasons to smile.
2. Never xplain urself to anyone coz the one who trusts u doesnt need it and the one who doesnt trust u won't believe it.
3. We make them cry who care for us, we cry for them who never care for us and we care for them who will never cry for us.
4. Life is short so break d rules, 4give quickly, believe slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrolably, and never regret anything that made u smile.
5. Never regret the choices u make nd have faith. Life isnt perfect, its a blend of joy and sorrow. but wherever life leads u it is because of a purpose.
6. when god solves ur problem u have faith in his abilities. but if u feel he is nt doing anything remember that god has faith in ur abilities.

the above are some. hope u'll like them.

dare to dare...hows the weather in bangkok

Life's a *****!

Be yourself no matter what

Don't fight with aligators!

Work for work's sake and not for the reward, that way you won't be disappointed if you don't get what you expected to.

luck is whats left after giving 100%

If 'life is like a box of chocolates' how come I only get the Nut Clusters?

man who goes to bed with itchy bum, wakes up with smelly fingers.

Not all love stories end in happy ever after.

The sadness of a mans life
is what dies in him
while he lives!!

In other words GO FOR IT!!!!!!!

Never worry about what others think of you.
Likelihood is - they only rarely ever do.

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