What are some of the worse stereotypes you've heard?!

Question: Doesn't matter who it concerns. I'm just curious. Most interesting gets 10 points (:

Answers: Doesn't matter who it concerns. I'm just curious. Most interesting gets 10 points (:

"He/she is so clever! He/she uses words which I don′t understand, maybe Latin words."

Women are faithful and do not lie.

That Fat people are ugly, what the heck's up with that? We got more cushion for the pushen! HAHAHAHAHA.

Im supposed to like hip hop, I mean I respect alll music, but I dont have to like it

Muslims are terrorist!

when people from another country had to come to ours and we were talking about how poor all of them are

my stereotypes very quietly .can hardly be heard.lol


all stereotypes are just retarded

That Republicans are for only the RICH. LOL

people say to others or to me about others -

"she's asian right...gargh. that means she MUST be smart"

"If you're from africa then why are you the way you are"
she said that to my best friend, and i swear she is exactly like karen off mean girls.

and of course the usuals

'your blonde, so you must be dumb'
'your fat so you must love cake'
'you like black so you must be emo'
'you wear glasses so you must be a nerd'
'she's skinny so she must be anorexic'

and the list goes on.

Males are stronger.

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