Do you think that men and women ever learn to really communicate with each other!

Question: Or do they just learn to say what the other wants to hear.....?

I know I have a very difficult time communicating with most women; I can talk with them easily, but when it comes to open, honest dealing, it just seems like we're on two different wavelengths.

What do you think?

Answers: Or do they just learn to say what the other wants to hear.....?

I know I have a very difficult time communicating with most women; I can talk with them easily, but when it comes to open, honest dealing, it just seems like we're on two different wavelengths.

What do you think?

In my more cynical moments, I have felt that good relationships consist of enduring and pleasant miscommunication.

Can't rock that boat!!

After your questions last night, I am not at all surprised you have a hard time opening up!

I honestly try to communicate-- but I am an odd sort that way, I know.

I agree. Different and Men and Women may never undertsnad eachother. They just do their best to understand and try to cope.

No I don't think they can. Women want everything sugar coated, guys just say it the way it is. Women also want you to read our minds, which we might as well face, it is never going to happen. Men are just not that complicated.

I think you're right except in the rarest of instances.

My man and I have a very honest relationship. We talk about every thing and any thing. We are always honest. We don't always agree on everything, but we compromise. Our relationship is 50/50!!

I do think we are on two different wavelengths. I think if a Man and a Woman can communicate they have something special.

I think it all depends on the person. I have one guy friend that I think just says what he thinks I want to hear. I've got another that is completely open and honest. All depends on who it is...

Generally speaking, yes I agree with you. Men and women are just so different from each other, it's a miracle when they can really communicate. Keep smiling, Jack *wink*.

i totally agree. sometimes i think it's better to keep things to myself than to tell a woman something personal and to have her say 'oh, what? i'm sorry I wasn't paying attention... hey do you know what time desperate housewives is on?'

My husband and I are married for 13 years and we dated 3 years before that...
So a total of 16 years together...
In all that time, we have had a bad communication problem because we both have bad hearing in our ears...
I either have to repeat myself or stand on his good side...
He also talks fast and I miss a lot of what he says and I have to say things over again to see if that's what he said...
It gets annoying...
But we learned to live with it...
Sometimes it is very frustrating to hear something and find out that's not even close to what he said...
Our conversations really get stirred up...

Yes, I think some men and women can really communicate....emphasis on "some". I have experienced it, but more often than not it seems that men aren't really interested in communicating in the first place, even if they could contribute....they talk "about" just about any fact, I find the male mind to be extraordinary when it comes to facts and concrete ideas. But when it comes to abstract ideas, especially involving "feelings".....forget it. Most men simply lose interest within sixty seconds. So I'm not sure if it's that they can't relate if they just find it too boring to hold their attention. As I said, I have met exceptions.....they are like a breath of fresh air.

Jack, good communication involves a lot of work. If both members or the relationship work hard, listen intently and communicate to the other as clearly as possible then YES, men and women CAN communicate totaly. the question IS, do most couples actually work on being able to communicate with their partners?

Brightest Blessings,
Raji the Green Witch

I don't pretend that there aren't some differences but, I really hate being expected to act like "a woman" because I'm female; I don't like it when guys assume that since I'm a chick it means I must "play mind games" and that I must like sales and shopping and dressing up. There are definitely things I've been socialized to do because I'm a girl, and that's fine and good, I'm okay with being partially a product of my culture. But some guys expect that since I'm a girl I must think completely differently from them. That since I'm female I can't be "figured out" and that I do "illogical" things.

Only when they listen, discard pretense, preconceptions, and expectations, stop trying to think of clever or appropriate answers and replies - and focus instead on responding directly honestly and without fear. Perhaps women, when they grow up, do it better because they have less to protect. Surviving humiliation is good for you!

First let me preface this with the fact that I'm a gay male. However, I have always had good female friends. To me, being gay has HELPED me communicate with women. In my experience, men and women are on two different wave lengths, particularly when it comes to relationships. I marvel that as many heterosexual relationships work as they do. I think most men and women learn to not argue, to overlook certain things or accept certain things in one another. To be fair, however, there certainly are some heterosexual couples who have experienced that "Great Love" and have found a way to communicate. Those are the rare "soul mates" that so many of us seek, but never find.

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