Fill in the blank.. I wish I could_________?!

Question: Remember stuff...I really have serious memory issues lol...and people get sooo mad at me over it. It's not my fault I can't remember stuff.

Answers: Remember stuff...I really have serious memory issues lol...and people get sooo mad at me over it. It's not my fault I can't remember stuff.

Save more money!

figure people out.

Be content.

i wish i could find out now if im having a boy or girl and if its healthy.

be given a million bux

You should look into memory building games. They work wonderfully, and they're fun too.

I wish I could be completely average.

Get out of this crumby apartment and into a house!!!! My kids need a backyard and I need the tax write-off!

fly. it would be so cool to get a birds eye view of everything.

have more energy

get over myself and start trusting people that i care about

do things right

Kill lois.

marry orlando bloom

Make free money with no work.

read minds

figure out something to fill in the blank

have motivation

be taller O.O

remember stuff ............... lol

have 100 million dollars.

get more sleep!!!

deal with stress easily......

and get more sleep sounds heavenly to me!! at home and be with my kids instead of living on such a tight budget from a one income family.

be invincible in times of destruction and distress.

Seriously.....I could give you a list a mile long, and I have memory issues also, but that still would NOT be one of them.....

eat chocolate, right now i think im gonna hurl from all the halloween candy but strangley i want more O.O

devote more time to my family. I am a RN and work a lot of hours caring for others. It makes me feel guilty sometimes that my family is neglected.

have a longer weekend

have him

fit into a size 2

find world peace! lol

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