How long can you stare at the sun in the middle of afternoon without sunglasses?!


How long can you stare at the sun in the middle of afternoon without sunglasses?

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5 hours ago
one day, when i was 12, i have blurry eyes. Then, in the middle of the afternoon, without thinking i stare at the bright sun for a minute. after that, my eyes are clear and every year it get stronger. Now i have a perfect vision. i don't make this stuff up, it's a true story

Answers: 5 hours ago
one day, when i was 12, i have blurry eyes. Then, in the middle of the afternoon, without thinking i stare at the bright sun for a minute. after that, my eyes are clear and every year it get stronger. Now i have a perfect vision. i don't make this stuff up, it's a true story 8 secs ...i then i went blind 4 a little while..heh heh i think ive only done that for like 5 seconds or so. you shouldnt do that at all! its bad for your eyes Not even a millisecond unless you want to go blind. why would you want to???/// Silly thing to do-causes eye damage. WWHHAATT? i only look for a few seconds coz it hurts my eyes. i don't know exactly, but i'm sure not too long That would be so silly...I wouldn't do it. i hate being in a car driving towards the sun,i cant 2 seconds of that.... Get off the drugs my friend.... I can't even stare on white surfaces. Suggest you find your way to the grounds of Moorfields Eye Hospital in London before you try it. If you want to go blind, good idea, otherwise it is a really foolish thing to do!
A a child I was always told to never look directly at the sun! i wouldn't even attempt it...then UV rays can permanently damage your corneas eventually blinding you..... Don't do that. It can cause permanent eye damage and even blindness. Try it...and then get your best mate to type your answer 'cause you've burned your retinas out... Yeah ok mate!!xx just until you go blind. That's bollocks and dangerous to any kids on here to be writing stuff like that.

Staring at the sun is bad for they eyes, it can blind you! Plonka!

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