Do you love me because im beautiful, or am i beautiful because you love me???!


Do you love me because im beautiful, or am i beautiful because you love me???

so I need some help defining this..?? what does this mean? its a beautiful saying or question but what does both terms really mean??

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3 days ago
this to me is a question one has to ask themselves who are in doubt of if they are truly in love with that certain person. okay so maybe i asked the question wrong this is what i meant..... sorry =0)
i love you because your beautiful or your beautiful because i love you...


The answer to your question is "both". You are loved because you are beautiful and you are beautiful because you are loved. A person who has inner beauty beholds a beauty that is ever lasting and radiant over someone who is beautiful only on the outside. It takes maturity and life's experience to be able to recognise the difference. To be truly loved, means you are noticed and accepted for the beautiful person you are and therefore because you are loved you are beautiful. To just be loved for your outer beauty is vanity, not true, it is superficial, and it does not last.

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