Why is the Top Answerers is no longer updated?!

Question: Why is the Top Answerers is no longer updated!?
Does anyone know why Yahoo is no longer updating the Top Answerers stats!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Hey, I like my standing, but I'm sure I'd have been thrown of the top answers' list long ago !.!.!. so many new people providing great answers and I'm just not participating as much as I did a few months ago!.

My guess is that this (Yahoo!Answers) is an after-thought in the Yahoo! world!. They aren't making money on it (do you see advertisements!?) coupled with the world-wide nature of Y!A and it's probably more of an inconvenience for Yahoo! to maintain than even they want to admit!.

I'm sure they've automated what they can, and throw some resources at the project to keep it going!. But it cannot be a high priority for the good folk at Yahoo!

This is really just a fun community swimming pool that they let us swim in!.

!.!.!. or a community orchestra and chorus with no audition requirements!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I guess then they would also have to explain how they *determine* Top Answers and Top Contributors!. Makes little sense to me - I just keep answering if I think I can be helpful!. The TD Trolls also seem to work in waves - and BA often goes to the "Go on YouTube! You go, girl!" when it is one answer out of another twenty that mercifully ask the wannabe singer to PLEASE take some lessons! Little rhyme or reason to MUCH on YA, except what WE make of it!.

I just checked - I have 354 BAs in Performing Arts (TA there) and 836 total - and the only other place I respond is in Classical Music (OK, a few in Singing a long time ago)!. But that would STILL leave me with over 400 in Classical Music!. I am Level 6!. Clearly, The Gods dislike me !. !. !.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I really don't know!. I have never even appeared in the Top Answerers list and I have around 530 classical music best answers!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Try to ask one of the Yahoo! staff about this (power user only) or look around Yahoo! website for this update!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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