Why is it hard to listen to Johann Brahms symphonies ? and I mean all 4 of them !

Question: Why is it hard to listen to Johann Brahms symphonies !? and I mean all 4 of them !?
Brahms is a mystical composer!.!.!. i think he loved Beethoven, some of his symphonies have a lot of Beethoven's way of composing!.!. but he adds that special colour that makes us distinguish Brahms!.!.(that's the difficult but original part of him)
I love his pieces for choir!.!.!.
listen to German requiem or op104!.!.!.

maybe it's easier to see it while listening to it!.!.or to focus in a melody (instrument) !.!.youy might be able to understand it better!.!.!. or if you listen to functions!.!. when does it makes a resting points (tonic) dominants!.!.!.!.

I'm 19 years old, don't have much studies on this stuff!.!.but!.!. I hope I could help you in sthg!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I think I know what you mean!. Personally, I would not start with the 3rd as someone suggests, but with the 2nd with it's wonderful horns at the beginning and general pastoral feel!. I, however, started with the 1st as a teenager, it's always tingly to wait for the big tune in the finale, and the way the composer build up to it slowly!. I used to lie in bed night of night listening to a recording by Eduard Van Beinum and the Concertgebouw!. Then it slipped out of my hands one day and cracked and i could not replace it!. No other recording or performance has ever quite caught the magic of that one!.

I've never quite got to grips with the 3rd, which has always sounded gray and dismal!. The 4th, with its passacaglia finale, can be a hard nut to crack, but is wrth persevering with!.

I disagree with the person who suggests approaching via the double concerto - that is another gray and, dare I say it, fairly tedious work (IMHO, of course)!. Rather, listen to the two piano conertos!. They are long, but ravishingly beautiful, works!.

PS What the music is trying to imply!? I'm not sure that it is!. Brahms music is 'pure' music - he didn't go down the line of 19th century programme music!. You have to listen to it as music, not with any preconceptions of a story or meaning!. If it brings pictures to your mind (as I say, the 2nd always evokes countryside to me), that is purely personal!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Tom, I don't know how old you are or what your listening experience has been, but your question is one of personal interest to me!.

I don't know -- chalk it up to his orchestral textures -- a sameness to his scoring which makes it difficult to hear the structure, or the sonorousness of his widely spaced harmonies -- hard to say!.

When I was young, I knew only the 1st Symphony, and became quite familiar with it, to the point where it was one of my favorite recordings!. So I decided I should have the other 3 -- and I went out and got 'em!.

I played them one after another, and boy, I was totally confused!. I couldn't make hide nor hair of those things!. They were just globs of sound!.

But I kept at it for some reason, trotting them out every so often, 1 by 1, to see if I could grasp them!.

The first one that took hold was the 3rd -- I could finally understand its structure, and began to "feel" the Brahms hallmarks -- polyrhythms, cross rhythms, syncompation, and the really rich harmonies, and counterpoint!. The themes began to stand out and take form!.

I cannot tell you how to listen or what to listen for, but just to listen, because it is worth the discovery -- they are great masterpieces of orchestral writing!.

Take them in small doses -- movement by movement, until you finally fiure out what he's driving at!. When it hits you, you will wonder how you missed it!. That's what happened to me!.
Start with just one of them -- the 3rd is my suggestion, and absorb it over time!. (the 3rd movement should grab you pretty quickly, and the finale after that -- then you can try the 1st movement which is a little bit more difficult to mentally reify)!.

I now crave Brahms -- he is among my top 5 favorite composers!. -- everything -- the piano music, the chamber music, Ein Deutches Requiem, the concertos !.!.!.!.!. Because once you "get" him, you can't get enough of him!.

I hope it works out for you!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I can't get enough of it! Try "going in" via the violin concerto and the double concerto! I don't see how it would be possible not to love symphony no!.1 movement 4 and no!.3 movements 1 & 4, so much angst and power! Have tried listening to them a lot!?

P!.S!. I think glinzek is right!.!. But it's certainly different for different people!. It took me three listens to love the 3rd, and I mean every single bit of it!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Hard like do you mean your ears hurt or something!? Maybe you should see a physician!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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