Lyrics To Song By Baja Mali Knindza?!

Question: ?uti, ?uti ujko, ubit ?u te ja what song is that from?

Answers: ?uti, ?uti ujko, ubit ?u te ja what song is that from?

if you type his name in on wikipedia, you'll get this information:
[edit] Controversy
Baja Mali Knind?a is controversial due to his nationalism, which is seen by Bosniaks and Croatians as 'Hate Speech'. Many of his songs are condemned in Muslim parts of Bosnia and Croatia due to the fact that he sings against their war leaders. For example, his song "Ne volim te Alija" describes his strong dislike for Bosnian war-time president Alija Izetbegovi? and includes the lyrics:

Не волим те, Али?а, / I don't like you Alija
Зато што си бали?а / Because you're a Balija (a term which Bosniaks consider insulting)
Срушио си миран сан / You broke a peaceful dream
Or his song:

Mо? ?е тата / My Daddy is
Злочинац из рата. / a war criminal.
Ви се пoтрудите / Try your best
Па га осудите / to convict him.
In one song, he sings "?uti, ?uti ujko, ubit ?u te ja" / shut up, shut up ujko (nickname for Usta?as, Croatian fascists from Wоrld War II), I will kill you. He has also sung "Ja ne volim ljude te, koje vole HDZ"—I don't like those people who like the HDZ (A right-wing Croatian political party), and included "f*** their ?ahovica" (?ahovnica literally means chessboard, but in this context it refers to the coat-of-arms of Croatia which is in a checkered form).

this was the only website that gave me information about him, sorry

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