LyKe ,I aM The BiGgEsT McR fAn, EvEr?!

Question: AnD I ToTaLlY WaNt 2 BrAkE Up GeRaRd AnD HiS WyFe. OkAy? LyKe , HoW CaN I Do IT? CuZ I ToTaLlY LuV hIm !!!!!!

Answers: AnD I ToTaLlY WaNt 2 BrAkE Up GeRaRd AnD HiS WyFe. OkAy? LyKe , HoW CaN I Do IT? CuZ I ToTaLlY LuV hIm !!!!!!

- Gerard does not have a wife; more like a "domestic partnership"
- Gerard is currently earning my money on Santa Monica Blvd. In West Hollywood, CA and...excuse me

"What do you mean you dont have my money Gerard, you f**king f@ggot?!"

*Gives Gerard a mighty pimp-slap*

would u stfu!! get over it. he is fuccking married and happy. ur so stupid. stop typing like an idiot

im so pissed at u, i cant even get my harsh feelings out about you!!!!

Ok, youre kinda creepy
Im hoping your 13 years old and sat with friends doing this as a joke
If not you could always try asking him to break up with his wife, im sure he would say ok

number one.
dont talk LyKe DiS.
it's fkn annoying.
grow up.

number two.
get over yourself.
you'll never have him.
you'll probably never meet him.
keep it for your dreams.

oMg!! i'M sO sRRy tO teLl yOu tHiS bUt gErArD iS gAY!!!


wow. well this got old pretty quick.
- but i am laughing at the people who are taking you seriously about this.


GerArD is MaRRYinG Me!!!

LyKe He SaVEd My LIFE sO I wannA b HiS WiFE!!!!
I AsK My PoSteR anD sHrInE to HIM eVry DaY 2 MaRrY ME!! Its GunNA coMe trUE!!!

Maybe if you learn to use the check spelling button and type properly people may understand you better. The man is married, quite happily judging by the length of his marriage, and it is time for you to grow up.

u CaNt BrEaK tHeM uP sIlLy CuZ lYk, I AlReAdY hAvE pLaNs oF mArRyInG hIm He JuSt DoEsNt KnO it Yet. He Is LyK SoOoOoO tOtAlLy HaWt ThO IsNt He?!?! We CoUlD Lyk, TaKe TuRnS wItH hIm Tho. DiD u KnO tHaT hE uSeS cReSt ToOtH pAsTe? AlL hIs ReAl FaNs KnO ThAt.

wow i don't think the first gurl lyked u too much, ouch!!! i luv him 2. i just can't believe he went and bleached and cut his hair, omg!!! well he is happy and and apparantly loves her too. but if u want him go for it, i guess there is sum way but i'm not the right gurl to ask cuz i got sum vicious ideas. haha!

Ha, nice. People think you're serious.

LyKe, whO is tHis GerArd duDe anYwAY???

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