How do i tell what century a piece of music is from?!

Question: i have a music exam later on today, i will get played a piece of music and i need to say weather it is classical, early romantic, late romantic or modern and then explain my answer.

How do i know which it is from?

Answers: i have a music exam later on today, i will get played a piece of music and i need to say weather it is classical, early romantic, late romantic or modern and then explain my answer.

How do i know which it is from?

the easiest way is how it sounds, classical had a very distinct feel about it, with usually orchestra withot any heavy brass, and possibly a harspicord thrown in for good measure. also they way the melody is formed. classical, tends to be vey lyrical or flowery (my description) in late romantic or modern listen for trombones as these where only added to the orchestra by beethoven (5th symphony). also romantic, tends to be in ABBA rondo form, so a movement will be laid out as theme, develoment, 2nd theme, development and recapitulation. in modern music it generally follows an atonal pattern of 12 notes, wich are then repeated in a different form. if you have time check out the folowing for examples

classical, Hayden, Mozart,
early romantic, beethoven, schumann, schubert
late romantic, tchikovsky, berlioz, mahler
modern, stravinsky, shostokovich, rachmanninov, and elgar


since its mulitiple chioce you have a good chance of guessing the correct answer, and also since you have been studying music should you already know what each piece sounds like.

if its classical you hear tunes from before, if early romantic you hear sweet old songs, if late romantic late love songs, if modern you hear instuments just invented.

Knowing the syllabus, your music teacher should have thoroughly prepared you for this question. You should have been listening to examples from the different periods for sometime, and be able to distinguish knowledgably between all of them. This standard can only be gained by listening and you can't do that in a couple of hours - especially not through this medium. Although you might be lucky enough to make a correct guess, your downfall would be in trying to give a convincing explanation for your answer!

By the style and the instruments. You've heard many classical pieces. If they sound like that they are probably classical. Classical music is the most structured music in history.

Music from the romantic period is much less structured. It sounds very random...sort of like jazz. Early romantic would have some structure to it but it would venture outside of the structure briefly.

Modern should be easy to label. It sounds modern - usually with modern instruments. The percussion section usually plays a more central role. It is more apparent.

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