Crying bad for singing??? Idina Menzel???!


Crying bad for singing??? Idina Menzel???

Okay, so I was just listening to this really good song written by Idina Menzel on During the clip she started to cry, in the comments section someone mentioned that Idina was stupid for crying because (and I quote) 'singers would know that when you cry your vocal cords strain, listen to how she sounds after she cried, not that good because she cried!?!?'.

So my question is: is that person that said those things about crying when singing true? I'm not a singer at all and don't know much about singing so it seems possible that that could be true. Is it?

If you're wondering about the clip of Idina Menzel singing and crying it's called 'Idina talking about her sister' and was put up by: xoamarie7892.


Firstly, the video is amazing. Regarding your question, it doesn't 'strain the voice'. When you cry, your nose stuffs and its hard to breathe, and its hard to focus/calm down. When you sing, you sing out of the diaphragm, right below the lungs so its not really affected. But, its hard to regain focus/ be calm so mentally it affects the singing, which would explain what happened afterwards.

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