How can i make my mom accept the music i love?!


How can i make my mom accept the music i love?

like five minutes ago i was listening to a JFAC song i and my mom was listening to it while i wasnt there and afterwards told me the music sounded like satan and that shes didnt like it at all..i was too shcok to respond .she knew i listen to rock but never actually knew what i listened shes all in her room all upset..even though i wont stop how can i tell her shes wrong?

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3 days ago
thanks everyone...i know what ill tell her


I've always had the same problem. I can especially relate to the whole "that sounded like Satan" bit. In fact, just the other day, we were listening to some "Christian Rock" and my mom came over and said, "That music sounds demonic!" I realized once again, that there is no changing her. She is going to be who she is, and like her thing no matter what I say. Obviously it doesn't even matter if it is Christian or not. If it sounds loud and has a heavy beat, it is automatically satanic.

My advice, when she is around, play the ballads.

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