How many people like the song wait for you by:Elliot Yamin if you know any more !


How many people like the song wait for you by:Elliot Yamin if you know any more good songs list them please.?

If you have any more songs that are god please list please don't give me any that has bad words in them.

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2 days ago
I meant good songs not god songs


it's Elliott (2T's)...sorry...i have to tell everyone that!

I like all the songs that Elliott sings (i'm like his biggest fan)
One Word
Find A Way
Train Wreck (when I went to his concert he said that this song seems to be everyone's fav)

Here are some songs
Everything- Michael Buble

Apologize- Timbaland featuring One Republic )I heard this song on So You Think You Can Dance and i totally fell in love with it!

It's sort of hard to just pick out songs individually so i'll tell u some good artists
Joss Stone
Robin Thicke
Josh Hoge
Jon McLaughlin "Industry" and "Beautiful Disaster" (2 awesome songs)
Katharine McPhee
Mandy Moore
Paolo Nutini

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