Anyone know this song? I have to hear it?!


Anyone know this song? I have to hear it?

There's this song that was played at a friend of mine's memorial service, it was kind of and alternative, different kind of music (think The Cure). All I remember is the lyric was the word nothing, I think it was the chours, they just sang "Nothing' over and over. The song has to be older than 2001 because that is when he passed away. Do any of you know what band sings this song or even the name of the song??? For some reason I just feel I really have to hear it right now.... Thanks guys

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2 days ago
by the way it was a guy singer

2 days ago
Cassie you rock! It was the Depeche mode one.


Could it be Nothing- Flipper?

Or Nothing- Depeche Mode?

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