Actors that lost their job because of bad off- screen behavior?!

Question: what are some actors that lost their job because of their bad attitude off the screen?

Answers: what are some actors that lost their job because of their bad attitude off the screen?

Marilyn Monroe was released from "Somethings Got to Give", co-starring Dean Martin, Cyd Charisse and Tom Tryon. Supposedly, this was due to her difficulties with drugs and liquor and claims that she was late for filming or absent too often. [See additional material below.] At one point, Marilyn claimed to be ill but showed up to sing "Happy Birthday" to President John F. Kennedy, which oddly displeased the studio when you would think that they would welcome that sort of publicity. Sadly, they dismissed her from filming. "The Misfits" is her final film.

Dean Martin refused to finish the film with anyone but Marilyn Monroe as his co-star, so when Monroe died unexpectedly in August 1962, the film was abandoned.
This material eventually became "Move Over, Darling" (1963) with Doris Day and James Garner replacing Marilyn Monroe and Dean Martin. Many of the sets constructed for this version were used for that one.
Hmmm... I just read something very interesting from someone who has seen a Marilyn documentary and other material:
"The only way to fairly judge the 37-minute "re-creation of "SGTG" in "The Final Days" is to have seen the previous 1990 documentary on the making of this film, which contained alternate takes, AND to have seen (as I have) the bootlegged hours and hours of Marilyn on set, doing it over and over. Not because she couldn't remember her lines, but because (George) Cukor demanded it. And what you'll find is a very patient and usually cheerful actress obeying her director. Each time he asks for a new take, she does it just a little different. Higher, lower, softer, stronger. When she flubs, she doesn't fall apart. She seems miffed with herself, but no great drama is revealed."

I agree that there is a lot more to the story that hasn't been revealed fully to the public. Marilyn Monroe was not a fading star, as anyone can see in the film clips and in her final photo shoot. I doubt we'll ever know the truth.
Eric Stoltz was Marty McFly in "Back to the Future" for quite a while before rumors started about his odd behavior, including wanting to be addressed by his character's name and reportedly even trying to obtain identification cards. Wikipedia has this:
"Production of the film began on November 26, 1984, with actor Eric Stoltz portraying Marty McFly and reportedly shot for more than four weeks, until the return of executive producer Steven Spielberg... After seeing a rough cut, Spielberg and the writer/directors agreed that Stoltz was a fine actor, but he was unfortunately not right for the part. Stoltz had played it seriously, and they wanted a lighter touch on the character. They returned to the idea of Michael J. Fox..."
That differs from interviews I read prior to the film's release, which isn't the first time stories surrounding films have changed. I suppose that's a nicer reason for being replaced. By the way, some of the footage not showing Stoltz's face was used in the final version.
Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle is one of the most notorious instances in which rumored off-screen behavior resulted in destruction of his career after he was accused of causing the death of Virginia Rappe. You can read about it here:
This man was one of the top Hollywood stars, but this scandal shattered his career. Was he even guilty of the charage?
Someone mentions Paul Reubens, but I truly believe that that was a strategic move. He rid himself of the PeeWee persona for kids' entertainment; his stage show had a lot of adult material, so it was odd that they decided he was a children's entertainer. To get out of that trap, he did something drastic. All sorts of roles were open to him then, everything from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (movie) to "Batman Returns", from "The Nightmare Before Christmas" to a recurring role on "Murphy Brown (TV series), from "Blow" to a recurring role in "Pushing Daisies" (TV series). So, he's doing quite well.

Isaiah Washington

The infamous Sean Young fiasco.

She burst into Warner Brothers studios decked out as Catwoman and kinda demanded the role in the second Batman movie with Mike Keaton horribly miscast as Batman.

everything shannon doughty does!

Pee Wee Herman

And although Shannon Dougherty was fired from 90210, it did not cost her her job - she's still an Actress, Producer, Director, Miscellaneous Crew, Self,

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