Saving private ryan!!!?!


Saving private ryan!!!?

how gruesome do they want to make it
and i know it was war and that is how it was but really would anybody like to watch a film that is that cringe worthy

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3 weeks ago
oh the question is doe any of you like nasty gory films like that or am i alone!!!!

3 weeks ago
oh the question is do any of you like nasty gory films like that or am i alone!!!!


see private ryan was to show the horror of war in a realistic manner...

but seen the origianl tom savanni (special effect) gore, like
friday the 13th, dawn of the dead...

current movies (kind'of) like starship troopers...

answers is yeah, i like gory movies...
after too many chick's flick and oscar movies,
i need a gory nonsense killing movie for the nerd side of me.

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