Movie theatre popcorn for popcorn maker?!


Movie theatre popcorn for popcorn maker?

Just received a small kettle type popcorn maker and need the stuff to make the popcorn like you get in the movie theaters. I think they add a special mix to get what you get in the movie theaters but can't find the exact links...anyone have one of these 'real' movie theater popcorn makers and know where to get the supplies? Thanks!

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2 weeks ago
no my popcorn here is popped at the movie. I'm not in the ghetto where they ship it in bags lol. :)


Yes, I have one and order the supplies regularly. Go to:

Don't order the theater packs, I did start with those, but it is cheaper to buy the oil and the seasonings separately. You need to buy the theater popping oil, just the original, and the theater spice popcorn salt. Buy the popcorn at home, it is the same. When putting the oil in the popper, just put enough to cover the bottom of the popper, maybe a teeny bit more. Even though it says to add the salt AFTER, I mix it in with the oil, then I don't need to salt it. I am a HUGE theater popcorn lover...and this is IT. If you need more info from me, e-mail me here in yahoo. I will help you.

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