Can you tell me what happens in all the harry potter movies, or the ones that yo!


Can you tell me what happens in all the harry potter movies, or the ones that youve seen?

I'm going to go see the new harry potter movie but don't remember the other ones!
Can you just tell me what happens in all the movies? Like this:

Movie one: all the movie one info.

Movie two: all the movie two info

Movie three: all the movie three info

Movie four: all the movie four info.

Or if you havent seen them all just give me the oens you have seen. Please tell me as much details as possible, thanks :)


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry is new to the whole wizarding world. We find him as an orphan because his parents (wizards/witches as well) was killed by the most dangerous wizard in the wizarding community: Lord Voldmort. Harry is left his selfish muggle relatives, the Dursleys, that treat him more like a slave than anything else (because they hate magic folk). Harry realizes something "odd" for the first time at the city zoo: he talked to a snake! and it responded. Next thing, his cousin Dudlely Dursley, knocks him down to see the snake in an upright position listening to harry; harry is giving a bad stare at Dudley, the next thing he knows the viewing glass of the snakes artificial habitat disappears (like "magic") and Dudley falls and is trapped inside! Harry got caught laughing and Dudley's father, uncle Vernon instantly thought Harry did it. One mention of the word "magic" and Harry was thrown in his cubbard/room under the stairs. A letter came in the mail for Harry, "To Harry in the cubbard under the stairs...sealed with the seal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A giant (literally, a giant), named Hagrid comes looking for Harry because he hasn't got one letter to read from Hogwarts (of which harry was accepted). the giant tracks them down in a house far away where father Dursley, Vernon, moved them to get away from all of the letters (and letter carriers, owls). Harry is goes along with the giant and gathers up school supplies.
We see Diagon Alley, where students get their wands, magical pets, and school books. We see the bank that is run by goblins and find that his parents left him what practically looked like a huge pile of gold coins! harry sets off on the Hogwarts express to meet Ron and Hermione. At the school, harry is sort of the celebrity, but his Potions professor, Severus Snape (a kind of mysterious, possibly bad guy) thinks of it as nothing less than annoying. At school, Harry learns how to fly his broom stick. He's picked for a fight by the class 'bully' and suddenly gets caught by Professor McGonnagal for his flying talents; she then recommends him for the school's Quidditch team rather than detention. Quidditch is there version of basketball (kinda).
I'm such a Potter Fan can even quote the scene (accent and all lol)! He talks to the team captain, Oliver Wood.
"Quidditch, is easy enough to understand. Each team has seven players: three chasers, two beaters, one keeper, and a seeker (that's harry.) There are three kinds on balls: the first one is the quaffle, now the chasers handle the quaffle and try to put it thru one of those three hoops. The keeper (that's Oliver) defends the hoops. The next ball is the bludger, "nasty little buggers," they're like living balls (haha that sounds funny!) that can knock you off your broom and knock you unconscious if your not alert. The last is the snitch, a tiny golf ball-sized thing with wings flies around the stadium and the seeker (that's harry) catches it. You get 150 points for catching the snitch, then the game is over. The team who catches the snitch wins."
now its "wand handling" class. ( i forgot the name of the class) this is where they learn the most simplest spells (in this class its "wingardium leviosa," the spell to make objects levitate or fly), then as they progress in their schooling, they'll learn more complicated. Hermione, the smart little girl, teaches Ron, harry's best friend, how to "pronunciate." As always, girls win and Hermione masters the charm. Classmate, Seamus Finnegan has trouble with "wingardium leviosa" as he has the tendancy to blow up anything he charms!
Next its off to potions class and Professor Snape isn't too excited having harry in his class that he singles Harry out to see if he was well informed of his potion ingredients...harry wasn't prepared.
To make it short (sorry I love these movies) there's rumor that someone is going to steal the sorcerer's stone, a magical stone that acts as the "elixir of life," or a "rock of youth" version of the fountain. Harry gets it before the bad guy does and he saves the day!
sorry but there's a lot to say to I'll just copy and paste summaries from the internet.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
While home with the Dursleys for the summer, Harry Potter is not getting any mail from his friends, Ron and Hermione. On his twelfth birthday (July 31) Harry is visited by Dobby, a house-elf, who warns him he, Harry, will be in mortal danger if he returns to Hogwarts. Harry is determined to return despite Dobby's dire warning. It turns out that Dobby was stopping Harry's letters, hoping that if Harry thought his friends had forgotten him, he might not want to return to Hogwarts. Dobby, seeing that he will have to use force, decides to drop a bowl of pudding on the kitchen floor through the use of a charm. Harry is blamed by the Ministry of Magic for Dobby's charm, and is told that if he does magic outside of school again, he will be expelled. The Dursleys, upon learning that he cannot do magic outside of school, have locked away Harry’s books and wand; Mr. Dursley has screwed bars onto his window, making Harry a prisoner.

A few days later, Fred, George, and Ron Weasley come to his rescue in their dad's flying car, a Charmed Ford Anglia. After a pleasant summer together in the Weasley house, everyone heads to Platform 9¾ to take the Hogwarts Express back to school. To their shock, Harry and Ron are unable to enter through the magical barrier between platforms 9 and 10. In desperation, they fly to Hogwarts in the car, crashing into the Whomping Willow and damaging Ron's wand. The semi-sentient car ejects them and their belongings and disappears into the Forbidden Forest.

Harry soon finds he is the unwanted center of attention of three people: the vain new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, a wizard perpetuating his own legend; admirer Colin Creevey, a young first year Gryffindor who endlessly takes Harry's photo; and Ron's sister, Ginny Weasley, who fancies Harry. Events take a bad turn when the Chamber of Secrets is opened and a monster stalks the castle, which literally petrifies several students. According to legend, the Chamber was built by Salazar Slytherin and can only be opened by his heir to purge Hogwarts of students who are not pure-blood wizards. Many suspect Harry is the Slytherin heir, especially after he inadvertently speaks Parseltongue (the language of snakes), a rare ability Harry gained after Voldemort's murderous attack upon Harry when Harry was an infant. Harry, Ron, and Hermione attempt to discover the Heir of Slytherin's true identity. Using Polyjuice Potion brewed by Hermione, they disguise themselves as Slytherin students, Crabbe and Goyle, hoping to learn from Draco Malfoy the identity of the heir. Malfoy, they learn, does not know who the Heir of Slytherin is, but he inadvertently provides Harry and Ron with an important clue about the Chamber of Secrets.

Unfortunately, Hermione mistakenly adds cat hair instead of human hair to her practice potion and assumes a feline appearance, and it takes a little more than a month to restore her normal human appearance.

The attacks increase throughout the year, petrifying students, including Hermione. Most horribly, a message written on a wall declares that a student—Ginny Weasley—has been taken into the Chamber where, "her skeleton will lie forever."

With Ron and Moaning Myrtle's help, Harry discovers the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. They force Gilderoy Lockhart, a fraud who wipes clean other wizards' memories and claims their achievements, to go with them. Once they find the entrance to the Chamber, Lockhart attempts to use Ron's broken wand to erase Harry and Ron's memories, but the spell backfires onto himself and brings the ceiling caving in, separating Harry from Ron and Lockhart. Lockhart revives again, but has now lost his own memory.

Harry makes it to the Chamber where he finds an unconscious Ginny. He also meets a young man named Tom Riddle, who claims to be a "memory." Harry learns that Ginny, under the control of Lord Voldemort, opened the Chamber. Voldemort, whose real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle (an anagram of "I am Lord Voldemort"), imprinted his memory in an enchanted diary, in order to one day continue the work he began when he reopened the Chamber fifty years ago—ridding Hogwarts of non-pureblood witches and wizards. It was Hagrid, a Hogwarts student at the time, who was blamed for the attacks and expelled.

Tom Riddle's memory grows more powerful as it steals life from Ginny's body, and it tries to kill Harry by setting loose the Basilisk (the monster responsible for petrifying the students). But Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes arrives carrying the Sorting Hat, from which Harry draws out the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Fawkes blinds the Basilisk, destroying its fatal gaze, and Harry slays it with the sword. He stabs the diary with one of the Basilisk's fangs, and Riddle's memory is vanquished while Ginny revives from a near-death state. She fully recovers, as does Hermione and the other petrified students.

Harry realizes it was Lucius Malfoy who slipped the diary into Ginny's cauldron when he encountered the Weasleys in a Diagon Alley bookshop, but he is unable to prove it. Dobby reveals he is the Malfoys' servant, and knowing their treachery, had been trying to protect Harry all year. In gratitude, Harry wraps the diary in one of his old socks and hands it to Lucius. Lucius throws away the sock, but Dobby catches it. This constitutes, in Dobby's eyes, a gift of clothing—the traditional manner in which a master frees a house-elf from servitude. The freed Dobby declares he is eternally grateful to Harry and protects him from an attempted reprisal from Lucius.

Dumbledore dispels Harry's fears that he is kin of Slytherin's rather than to Gryffindor's nobility. He tells Harry that it is his choices that define him and not his abilties, and he could not have wielded the sword of Gryffindor if he did not truly belong to that house.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
J.K. Rowling's third book opens with Harry Potter spending yet another miserable summer at the Dursleys. When Uncle Vernon's sister, Marge, viciously insults him, Harry's anger causes her to inflate and float to the ceiling. Harry runs away. In the street's shadows, he sees a large black dog ominously watching him, but the Knight Bus suddenly appears and takes him to Diagon Alley. There he is met by Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, who Harry is certain will expel him from Hogwarts for using under-age magic. However, the matter is surprisingly dropped. While at the Leaky Cauldron, Harry overhears the Weasleys arguing over whether Harry should be warned about convicted murderer Sirius Black, who has escaped Azkaban prison.

There are a few changes at Hogwarts as Harry begins his third year. For one, Hermione is taking nearly twice as many classes, including some taught at the same time of day. In addition, two new teachers join the staff: Professor Remus J. Lupin for Defense Against the Dark Arts and Rubeus Hagrid, formerly Keeper of Keys and Grounds and gamekeeper, for Care of Magical Creatures. While Lupin's lessons are enjoyable, Hagrid's soon become dreary. During the first class, Draco Malfoy deliberately provokes the hippogriff Buckbeak, a half-horse, half-bird creature, into attacking him. Draco's father, Lucius, a powerful Ministry of Magic official, files an official complaint against Hagrid. Because Black is said to be hunting Harry, Dementors, the inhuman Azkaban guards, patrol Hogwarts. Dementors drain happiness and light from anything they approach. Harry is particularly affected, and Professor Lupin teaches him the Patronus charm that repels them. During a Quidditch match, several Dementors approach Harry, causing him to faint and fall off his broomstick. Albus Dumbledore stops Harry's fall, but his Nimbus 2000 flies into the Whomping Willow and is destroyed.

Meanwhile, tension grows between Hermione and Ron when Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, continually torments Ron's rat, Scabbers. When Scabbers disappears, leaving blood behind, Ron accuses Crookshanks. At Christmas, Harry receives a superb Firebolt broomstick from an anonymous benefactor, although Hermione suspects it was sent by Black and may be cursed. She reports it to Professor Minerva McGonagall, who confiscates it for testing. Both Harry and Ron are furious and stop speaking to Hermione.

While in Hogsmeade, a wizarding village, Harry overhears a disturbing conversation that Black was once his parents' best friend and is still his godfather and legal guardian. He supposedly divulged the Potters' secret whereabouts to Lord Voldemort and murdered their friend Peter Pettigrew, as well as twelve Muggle bystanders. Harry vows to kill Black, but he is astonished when he later sees Pettigrew's name on his Maurader's Map, a magical document showing secret passageways and every person's location within Hogwarts.

The Gryffindor Quidditch team wins the House Cup, thanks to Harry's returned Firebolt. However, Buckbeak has been sentenced to death. When the Trio visits Hagrid to console him, Scabbers turns up, although he is again pursued by Crookshanks, who chases him to the Whomping Willow. There, a large dog attacks Ron and drags him and Scabbers into a hole at the tree's base. Harry and Hermione follow, finding a tunnel leading to the Shrieking Shack. Inside, Harry finally confronts Sirius Black, who, as an Animagus, possesses the ability to transform into an animal at will. Lupin, who has spotted the group on the Maurader's Map, suddenly bursts in and embraces his old friend Black. Confronted by Hermione, Lupin admits to being a werewolf. Together they explain that Scabbers is actually Peter Pettigrew in Animagus form. He is Voldemort's servant, and it was he who betrayed the Potters, framing Black for the crimes. Harry is sceptical until Black and Lupin force Pettigrew back into his human form. Black explains that when he discovered Pettigrew was still alive, he escaped Azkaban to kill him.

As the group heads back to the castle, the full moon rises, causing Lupin to turn into a werewolf. During the ensuing commotion, Pettigrew escapes. As Dementors move in to attack Black, Harry, and Hermione, a mysterious figure across the lake casts a powerful Patronus, scattering the vicious creatures. Black is captured and taken to the castle where the Dementors intend to suck out his soul.

Hermione reveals she possesses a time-turner, which is how she has been taking so many classes. She and Harry travel back in time three hours, watching themselves go through the night's previous events. Now they manage to save Buckbeak by setting him free and return to the Whomping Willow. As the Dementors are about to attack the "other" Harry and Black, Harry casts a powerful Patronus that disperses them. Black and Buckbeak escape as the timeline restores itself to normal. Harry is deeply disappointed he will be unable to go and live with his godfather, Black, but takes comfort in knowing that Black is safe.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
The fourth book begins with an old man, Frank Bryce, who sees lights in the house that he gardens at, and decides to investigate. At the house, he overhears two men, Lord Voldemort, and Peter Pettigrew, plotting the death of Harry Potter. Frank is discovered by the men and killed, at the same moment that Harry awakes, having seen what has happend in his dream.

Harry shortly departs to the Quidditch World Cup with his friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. After the match, Lord Voldemort's supporters, Death Eaters are seen marching through the camp, destroying tents. The trio flee into the forest, where they see the Dark Mark, or Lord Voldemort's sign, shot into the sky. Barty Crouch, the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, arrives and accuses the trio of doing it, but upon investigating, they find Crouch's house elf, Winky, clutching a wand. Crouch is furious and fires Winky immediately.

Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts soon commences. During the Welcoming Feast, Professor Dumbledore announces that the Triwizard Tournament has been revived and will be held at Hogwarts. The tournament is a hundreds-of-years-old inter-school competition that was eventually discontinued because it had become too dangerous.

One student from each of the three schools competing in the tournament are to be selected by the enchanted Goblet of Fire. Since the tournament is so dangerous, the students putting their names into the Goblet must be at least 17 years old. Cedric Diggory is chosen to represent Hogwarts, Fleur Delacour represents Beauxbatons Academy and the Durmstrang Institute is represented by Viktor Krum. However, the Goblet also selects Harry Potter, even though Harry has never entered his name and is under-age. Harry is helped in the tournament by Professor Alastor Moody, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and a former Auror.

The champions attempt three difficult tasks, one in each school term. The first involves the retrieving a golden egg from a dragon's nest. In the second task, something valuable is taken from each champion and has to be retrieved from Hogwarts' lake. The third involves navigating a dangerous maze to where the Triwizard Cup is hidden.

Harry successfully completes the first two tasks. During the third, Harry and Diggory help each other and agree to grab the Cup simultaneously. Unknown to them, the Cup is actually a portkey that transports them to an old cemetery. Awaiting them is Peter Pettigrew, who is carrying what appears to be a deformed infant. The creature orders Pettigrew to kill Diggory. Harry is bound to a tombstone, and Pettigrew uses Harry's blood, an old bone, and his own severed hand in a bizarre ritual that restores Lord Voldemort to his full body and power. Unfortunately, now that Voldemort carries Harry's blood within him, he is now unaffected by the magic protecting Harry.

Voldemort reveals that his servant at Hogwarts ensured Harry would win the tournament and be brought to the graveyard. After summoning his Death Eaters, Voldemort challenges Harry to a duel. However, his wand and Harry's are "brothers." As the wands' streams interlock, a Priori Incantatem effect occurs, causing the spirit echoes of Voldemort's victims, including Harry's parents, to spill out from his wand. The echoes momentarily protect Harry, allowing him to grab the portkey and escape to Hogwarts with Diggory's body.

After Voldemort's plan fails, Moody attempts to kill Harry. However, Harry is saved by Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall. Moody is exposed as Barty Crouch, Jr. who used a Polyjuice Potion to impersonate the real Alastor Moody. It was Crouch who entered Harry’s name into the Goblet of Fire, and has covertly made sure that Harry has passed through the difficult tasks. Before Crouch can repeat his confession to the authorities, however, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, who refuses to believe that Voldemort has returned, arrives at Hogwarts, along with a Dementor which sucks out Crouch's soul.

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