How much money is spent each year on professional movie productions?!


How much money is spent each year on professional movie productions?

A break down by independent production companies vs large movie studios would be excellent, if possible. Feel free to include all expenditures.

A link to sources would be really great, is possible.

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2 weeks ago
Wow! Thank you for the very prompt responses.

Actual number values with the references would be most valuable. I am using this information to support starting a business in that area... and seeking investors... so I need actual numbers.

2 weeks ago
And this is for TOTAL money spent across the whole year by *all* the relevant companies. Not per movie.


Good luck with that.

There's no way you're ever going to get reliable numbers, because there are literally thousands of films made each year by different entities (something like 27,000 films were made last year, that were out there enough to be counted), and nobody tracks all of it.
It's not even possible in the case of independent productions, because so many of them never get distribution, or otherwise "fly under the radar".
There's no central place that tracks this kind of stuff.

There is at the very least tens of billion dollars spent each year on studio films, and many, many millions spent on independent productions.

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