Why does everyone hate Michael Moore?!


Why does everyone hate Michael Moore?

I have never seen his movies or read any of his books, but I heard and him on the Howard Stern show and Stern asked why everyone hates him and he didnt have an answer.


Two reasons:

(1) He's a muckraker. People who think they're enlightened believe that Michael Moore is a credible journalist who shows the real issues. Not true. Michael Moore looks at a problem, decides all by himself what the cause of the problem is, then goes out and finds "evidence" to support his point of view while ignoring all other arguments or potential causes.

EXAMPLE 1: In "Roger & Me," he decided that corporate greed at the executive level was behind the GM auto plant closings in Michigan in the late '70's. He didn't bother looking into how the energy crisis impacted the auto industry, he didn't look at the effect of the growing Japanese market, and he didn't dare suggest that the UAW shared any part of the blame, despite the fact that your average line worker just hired off the street was making three times the minimum wage for doing a job that a trained monkey can do, and the UAW went on strike in 1979 for MORE MONEY!!! Nope, it was the guys at the top.

EXAMPLE 2: In "Bowling for Columbine," he decided the availability of handguns was to blame for the Columbine shootings. He didn't explore violence on television, or the leniency of the criminal justice system that is now based on rehabilitation (something that has been proven not to work) rather than punishment, or the shooters -- guys who were doing drugs -- or their parents, who were too self-absorbed to be paying attention to what was going on in their own houses. Nope, if it weren't for handguns, Columbine would never have happened.

We see more of that in "Sicko." He interviewed lower-class and impoverished people in the U.S. who had no health care coverage to show how "terrible" our system is, but when he went to France to laud their wonderful system of socialized medicine, he only interviewed upper-class French people. He didn't point out the fact that thousands of people in France and Great Britain die every year waiting for their turn to see the doctor, and he also failed to mention that the upper-class folks in France spend a considerable amount of money out of their own pockets for health care (Why? Because if they don't they'll have to wait in line just like everyone else).

(2) He's a hypocrite. He claims to be the champion of the little guy, but what he's really about is manipulating people and inflaming people's passions on hot-button issues in order to make a lot of money. It's no secret in Michigan that Moore has been in bed with prominent Michigan conservatives for years. Imagine what would happen to his credibility and his reputation if THAT fact were broadcast on the evening news...

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