Modeling portfolio?!


Modeling portfolio?

yeah so i just graduated barbizon school of modeling. and i know my next step is to make a portfolio and then find an agent.

i dont know how to make a portfolio lol
what even is a portfolio?
a folder u get at walmart, a scrapbook?
i mean.. i dont know lol
and thenwhat size should my pictures be and what kind should they be and i how many.. i just dont know lol.

so can someone tell me HOW TO MAKE A PORTFOLIO ?!


That is strange...
Why did they not explain this in your learning?
A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas of the curriculum. The collection must include the following:
-Student participation in selecting contents.
-Criteria for selection.
-Criteria for judging merits.
-Evidence of a student's self-reflection.

BASICALLY: You get a photo album or scrapbook (don't get one with individual picture slots... they want to see all details) then what ever size the page is that is how big the picture is(one pic per page). All you need are pictures when it is modeling porfolio.
*the pictures must be professional, they don't want home photos*

U can also look up on the web: how to make a modeling porfolio?... or something like that.

Well... Good Luck!

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