What is the funniest thing you have heard an adult or child say.?!

Question: I need a laugh. Funniest thing get Best Answer Vote.

Answers: I need a laugh. Funniest thing get Best Answer Vote.

My baby sister picked up a kitten and got scratched. She dropped the kitten and wailed: 'Mum, this animal has teeth on it's feet!'

I'm a vegetarian now, Daddy.... so I only eat puddings.

my little brother heard my sister say lesbian and called my dad a lesbian

My little brother had an old joke. He would say, "under the covers" really fast after anyone said just about anything, try it you just might get a good laugh.

i was in a movie theater and the movie was so boring and some guy yawn and everyone laugh cuz it was very boring

My friend called me up to ask my phone number .

When I was little I pretended I was a doctor and giving my dad a check-up. I wrote everything down. I tried to write good eye sight, but I wrote good eye (sh word). I also tried writing good as usual but ended up writing good (a word) usual. Hey, I was a little kid! I didn't know what they meant!

Is that a spoon? Er...gee, I guess you had to be there. ; )

Well, nothing comes to mind at the moment, but I read this recently and thought it was hilarious.

When my 2 year old daughter went to a funeral for my Aunt's mom, she escaped my grip to be with Aunt Gracie up front at the grave side. Aunt Gracie lovingly took my daughter onto her lap and the pastor began to speak.

Pastor : "Into this world we come naked, and we will leave naked"

Daughter in a very LOUD voice " MOM, HE SAID NAKED!"

Everyone in the place turned to look at me. :-) I find it funny now, but I could have fainted at the time. LOL

Bonus funny:

Question I asked and an answer I received.

Q.Am I the only one who stands over the toilet with a plunger every time I flush?
Does anyone else feel the need to hover over the commode each time you flush, expecting a purge of the septic system?

A. Well,.....I get a bit constipated sometimes, so for me it's full wet weather gear (to control any splashback), and a crowbar to encourage the offending offender through the S bend.

Danny Dix

The whole family got a laugh from this one!

well heres a joke i made up i hope you find it funny there was a 6 year old boy and he was in his older brothers room and he found a used condom and he went downstair and asked his mother what is this mommy and she said that it is a tinwinke and go and put it back to where you found it so the boy went upstair and came back down and the mother asked him why he took so long he said because i ated the creme filling


This is what my friend has always said. I am sharing this with everyone. lol

I have recently moved to forest area .. They have a bear that roams the neighborhood at night .. Well one of the residents that just recently moved to the area had called the ranger station ask if they put up a fence .. would the bear use it instead of crossing over the fence .. lol!

One day we were going to sea side, about 4 0' Clock. The moon was on the sky but not shining.

When we returned after about three hours, the moon had started shining. My son Ali, then only 3 years, said: " Look
father, moon is now on"

We laughed. Because he thought moon is a sky bulb which has to be put back on.

Javed Kaleem

my daughter to the health visitor at her 3 year check,health visitor said what are you doing my daughter replies I'm fuc.king my sum she meant sucking my thumb!!!

When my daughter was 3 or 4, we were driving in the car. An ambulance with its lights and sirens passed us on the road. She asked, Mommy, what was that big truck for?
I said, It looks like someone had an accident.

She promptly said, so that is a truck that brings them clean underwear???

haha those are all funny

My little girl said to me "It's crowed, because no one goes there!" (we were going to the mall.)

I have a niece who is 2 1/2 yrs old. She was in the kitchen and I just got home from work and I asked her to come and see me and she said no. I asked why and her response was because I am busy.


When my daughter was about 3 or 4 years old and she said she knew how babies were born. You crack open like an egg and the baby comes out.

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