Job Definitions xxx funny or true xxx?!

Question: Good Communication Skills - Spends lots of time on phone

Average Employee - Not too bright

Exceptionally Well Qualified - Made no major blunders yet

Work Is First Priority - Too ugly to get a date

Active Socially - Drinks a lot

Family Is Active Socially - Spouse drinks, too

Independent Worker - Nobody knows what he/she does

Quick Thinking - Offers plausible excuses

Careful Thinker - Won't make a decision

Aggressive - Obnoxious

Uses Logic On Difficult Jobs - Gets someone else to do it

Expresses Themselves Well - Speaks English

Meticulous Attention To Detail - A nit picker

Has Leadership Qualities - Is tall or has a loud voice

Exceptionally Good Judgment - Lucky

Keen Sense Of Humor - Knows a lot of dirty jokes

Career Minded - Back Stabber

Loyal - Can't get a job anywhere else

Answers: Good Communication Skills - Spends lots of time on phone

Average Employee - Not too bright

Exceptionally Well Qualified - Made no major blunders yet

Work Is First Priority - Too ugly to get a date

Active Socially - Drinks a lot

Family Is Active Socially - Spouse drinks, too

Independent Worker - Nobody knows what he/she does

Quick Thinking - Offers plausible excuses

Careful Thinker - Won't make a decision

Aggressive - Obnoxious

Uses Logic On Difficult Jobs - Gets someone else to do it

Expresses Themselves Well - Speaks English

Meticulous Attention To Detail - A nit picker

Has Leadership Qualities - Is tall or has a loud voice

Exceptionally Good Judgment - Lucky

Keen Sense Of Humor - Knows a lot of dirty jokes

Career Minded - Back Stabber

Loyal - Can't get a job anywhere else

true and an outstanding list


You got more than a smile from me ther gal! some of this is so so so very true. I have freaky friends who actually use such chop logic.
* for you

awesomely true!


Yeah! Know a few like that.

Wow...this is so true!!!

I found at least half of those apply to me, cr@p, am I that bad!
Another star for you Lady

I've worked with all of those people.

very true...* for you

hahaha, very funny AND very true!

Very True lol

So very true!

Ha ha ha.!!!
Excellent ones again Sparkles.!!!
Top form.!!!
Cheers from South Africa for making us laugh.!!!



now you got me lol xxxxx

Those are great and so true.

true lol 10/10 x

hehehe, loved it hun, that was great, pmsl

have a star


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