Blonde joke...a little funny...maybe...what do you think?!


Blonde joke...a little funny...maybe...what do you think?

A blonde walks into a store and points to a machine and says to the salesman "I'd like to buy this computer." He says "Sorry we don't sell to blondes". She leaves and dyes her hair black. She goes back and says "I'd like to buy this computer." The salesman says "Sorry, we don't sell to blondes" She goes away and dyes her hair red. She goes in the store and says "I'd like to buy this computer." and once more he says "Sorry, we don't sell to blondes." She was sick of this. She says "I dyed my hair two times!! How do you know I'm blonde?!" He looks at her and says "Because your pointing at a toaster..."

Funny? I heard it like two years ago from my blonde friend...She's actually very smart despite what sterotypes claims her to be..I have nothing against blondes..anyway, is it funny? What do you say?

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3 weeks ago
Some of you people should read: I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST BLONDES!!! A blonde TOLD me the joke and yeah, I know blondes are smart cause we both got into a very tough, smart school....chill, people, and stop flaming me!!


well it made me giggle...not bad

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