Biologist joke :D?!


Biologist joke :D?

My dad told this joke at the dinner table, I dont know why. But yeah. I liked it even though it doessnt really fit to the dinner table. It cracks me up :P

A woman goes to a bar and looks around. There is a good looking man at the bar and she starts flirting with him. She finds out he's a biologist, but she says to herself it ccould still be alright. So after some more drinks, and they go to his hotel room, and you can guess what happens there. The next day, the woman is on the phone with her friend, who is asking her all about the previous night.
"So, what happened?"
"Well, IT happened."
"OMG! But... do biologists even have dicks?"
"Not really.... they have 'Penises'"
"Huh? What's that?"
"Something like a dick, just a lot smaller!"

Additional Details

3 weeks ago
I've got nothing against biologists, of course. So don't object. It's a joke, relax :]


mmmmmmmmmmmmmm - not funny

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