Like this one?...?!


Like this one?...?

I don`t do jokes... this is my first one so don`t be harsh please.

John was walking at night on the street, when he reminds that he forgot something at his girlfriend house. He turns back, and says to her: "I forgot my watch.", she hands it over to him, after that he leaves to go home. After 5 more min. he reminds again that he forgot something else, and he takes turns back again. Annoyed he says: "I forgot my pack of smokes". He then leaves and after 10 min he heads back again... hopefully for the last time. He runs up the stairs madly and knocks at the door. When his girlfriend opens it she says: "You forgot your pants too!" ---- the other lines is --- "You forgot your fiancee too!"

I think it is awful but I am not into jokes... just tried one... :P

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3 weeks ago
and I surely won`t try next time :) yes, I just wanted to try :P but I`m sticking to what I know best.

3 weeks ago
lol I don`t quite care if I am a good joker or not, I know I am bad :P but I said I do better at other stuff much important and don`t quite care.. Malfunctionkev

3 weeks ago
btw thank you all for the stars.


I really didn't catch that... but don't be disappointed. keep doing the jokes. good luck :)


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