Can u please tell me some funny pranks that i can play on my borther and sister.!


Can u please tell me some funny pranks that i can play on my borther and sister.?


repeat and peat were on a boat peat jumped out who was left?
how do you know carrots are healthy for you?because you never see rabbits wearing glasses!
what streets do ghosts haunt? Dead ends!
what dogs keep the best time?watch dogs!
how do you make a tissue dance?you put a little boogey in it!
what has 4 eyes but no face?Mississippi!
what did the spider do on the computer?He made a website!
why was 6 afraid of 7? because 789!
why did the cookies go to the hospital?because it felt crummy!
what did the porcupine say to the cactus?"is that your mommy?"
what do you get from a pampered cow? spoiled milk!
PS: the answers are typed after the question

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