Solve the puzzle?!


Solve the puzzle?

Below are 44 words.Each word has some points,Write a understable paragraph using 38 of the words and aiming to earn the mmaximum number of points..

bedroom(2),,baby(1),pants(1),t... sleep(9), shorts(4), me(1), insist(8), always(5), I(6) I (6), should(1) with(4), sleeping(5), see(3), woman(7), what(2), nothing(12), on(7) in(7), another(7) , if(3) will(5) , sleeping(10), not(14), prefer(4), men(7) , demands(7), all(4), do(15). to(5) , in(8) , at(4), baby(1),pants(1), butt(1) , Perhaps(5) , My-4,bed(1) demands(7) She(6),protection(1),my(4),


I(6) sleep(9) in(8) my(4) bedroom(2) with(4) shorts (4). Perhaps(5) I(6) should(1) sleep(9) with(4) nothing(12) on(7) at(4) all(4). I(6) see(3) another(7) woman(7) sleeping(10) in(8) my(4) bedroom(2). She(6) demands(7) another(7) baby(1) but(1) I(6) insist(8) on(7) nothing(12). I(6) prefer(4) men(7).

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