My sun sign is aquarius, rising capricorn, venus/moon/mercury are pisces.?!

Question: What does all this mean???

Answers: What does all this mean???

Your Sun sign in Aquarius makes you an independent, original, and unique person. You like to find new ways to do things instead of the traditional way of things. Overall you are interested in humanitarian causes as the idea of helping people is important to you. You may at times have a hard time showing those who are close to you just how important they are because you value independence and don't like to be clingy and overbearing.

Your Capricorn Rising Sign adds determination and a desire to work hard to get things done. People see you as a serious goal oriented person and it might take getting to know you better to see your zany, silly, true nature that is influenced by your Aquarian Sun.

Because your Moon is in Pisces, this adds a dreamy, head in the clouds influence to your emotions. It is easy for you to see issues from other people's eyes and you may at times be a sucker for a sob story. This too, like your Aquarian Sun makes you care a lot about people and humanity. You have a good emotional intuition although you might not always listen to it because of your practical Capricorn Rising. At times you need to be alone which is reinforced with your Aquarian Sun, but you do need to be around people as well, which may cause for you to go back and forth between wanting your space and needing to be in the company of your loved ones.

Venus in Pisces makes you in relationships how you are overall emotionally. You may be one who is more into romance and poetry and the like than others. You love unconditionally and for the sake of love, not for money or status, or possessions. You may even be so swayed by the suffering of others that you romantically seek out those who in your eyes "need to be saved" and fall hopelessly for them. You may at times be hard for others to understand in love because you tend to feel your way through a relationship.

Since Mercury is the way you communicate, process thoughts and ideas, Mercury in Pisces makes you communicate in a much more gentle way than others. Someone with their Mercury in Aries would be one to attack problems with their mind and forcefully communicate their thoughts while you on the other hand, focus on the feelings and moods around you and can even have a poetic quality to the way you communicate. You are so open minded and able to pick up on so many things that you may at times have a hard time taking a stance on an issue. This placement again, adds to your intuition. With your Moon, Venus, and Mercury in Pisces, you should listen to what your gut tells you for it is probably correct. Your Mercury in Pisces may tend to make you a bit disorganized, but at least you have great insight on people and issues at hand.

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