Do pisces women cheats??/?!

Question: They seem really charming and attractive. But I got a friend that has been cheated on by pisces women a few times. I am dating one. She is amazing. Are they known to cheat? I heard they're sensitive.But the one I'm dating doesn't sound that sensitive at all. She is confident, attractive and know what she wants. So what can i expect?

Answers: They seem really charming and attractive. But I got a friend that has been cheated on by pisces women a few times. I am dating one. She is amazing. Are they known to cheat? I heard they're sensitive.But the one I'm dating doesn't sound that sensitive at all. She is confident, attractive and know what she wants. So what can i expect?

You would have to have her chart drawn up and analyzed to know more about her. She must have planets in signs that make her more bold or outgoing than a sun-sign Pisces alone.

You can't really say for sure if someone's sign or chart makes them more likely to cheat. That's something that just about anyone can do if they feel that they need to.

Well, I'm a pisces and I've never cheated.

LOL im a pisces!
Don't be a racist or whatever you wanna call it
u will offend many

my best friend is a Pisces and she is super committed to her man who lives far away.

pisces? dude expect to get cheated on hard.

okay with all seriousness, you're a tool. That is a superstition. All women are capable of cheating and all men are capable of cheating. Some stupid superstitious label like "pisces" doesn't change a damn thing.

grow up

i have no idea but i had a guy friend who was a pisces guy and he cheated on all his gfs! weird! I wouldn't say rely on that, you should at least give her a chance.

That's probably just coincidence that your friend got cheated on and they all happened to be Pisces women. No star sign is "known to cheat" it just depends on the individual.

Horoscope is bullshit. Just because someone is born on a certain day doesn't mean it determines if he/she would behave a certain way. Open your mind.

I don't think it's just pisces women. Everyone has the potential to cheat, your friend just happened to date a couple that had the same range of birthday. However, there are statistics coming out that shows that people between the age of 18-25 happen to cheat on their lover a little more frequently nowadays.

That said, I think that if your girl is a great girl like you said, you should go for it. If something bad happens, then at least you'd know. If it doesn't, then congratulations. =]

Best of luck, she sounds great.

Lol, I am a pisces woman. I am attractive and somewhat charming but I do not cheat. You also have to consider Nature vs. Nuture and their chinese zodiac sign. Just because she's a pisces doesn't mean she'll cheat. Just go into it with an open mind and everything should work out.

My friend is a pisces and she cheat on almost all of her boyfriend. Sometimes she'll have 2 boyfriends at one time. And when she gets bored with them she leave them. They always end up falling in love with her. And even today she can still get whatever she wants from them.

some women cheat ,some men cheat regardless Pisces or not

No not all piscesess cheat. My girlfriend is a pisces (she's Lune ^ ^ ^ btw) and she is the most beautiful lady you will ever meet :D She wouldn't cheat on me.

Its not just Pisces. All kind of women cheat.. Pisces do get bored quick so you need to keep her interested and you wont have nothing to worry about! Good Luck

Yes, because they want to be loved unconditionally by someone, they r also very confident about their looks so they would cheat to prove to themselves that they are beautiful.

Yeah, I knew a Pisces woman who cheated on her husband.
She was very pretty, sensitive and quite gentle. Doesn't
sound like your girlfriend at all, except for the pretty part.
Your girl sounds a lot tougher, the girl I knew could be beat
up by a butterfly. The thing is, she was bored because her
husband was busy in school at night after working during
the day. Maybe it was just boredom. Anyway, good luck.

any one may be wrong we are humanbeing yar everybody have some good and bad for horoscope search there is some good site

I have been in a relationship where I cheated, HOWEVER, I emotionally checked out before I started cheating. I felt I wasn't getting what I wanted in that relationship. In my current relationship, I have had plenty of chances to cheat but haven't because my boyfriend is all I want and need. I would suggest talking to her about honesty & trust in a relationship, don't be confrontational about it! Also pisces women don't like to "share" so make sure you don't give her any ideas you might be sneaking around... This is all my opinion....

well expect her to be truthful and honest. there are cheaters in all signs but the signs with the double side are known to be the cheaters..libras, gemini, and pisces.

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