Are these signs good together?!

Question: are libra and pisces good together relationship wise?

Answers: are libra and pisces good together relationship wise?

Of coarse they are!!! lol

It's prejudice to judge a person based on anything other than the quality of their character.

So, to answer your question: No, this relationship will surely fail.

Hm...interesting combination...personally, I don't think so. I view Libras as very social creatures, and some Pisces can be social, but they usually value there own private little worlds, which a Libra might not understand. Pisces are usually dreamers, free thinking individuals, and idk how well a Libra would relate to them or be able to give them much attention. A Pisces might be too day dreamy or emotional and a Libra might be too diplomatic and realistic...or even too traditional..they're pretty opposite signs.

yes, both have the kind of love.

dont know

Libras hate clingyness. They enjoy their freedom and independence. Libra will often yell at Pisces or disappear to get away.

Here's a page with a bunch of links for Libra and Pisces compatibility.

I've not read any of them. I'm going to share with you my off the cuff opinion.

Libras want to please folks, keep them as friends, so there's sometimes when a Libra will tell a little white lie. "Oh I read the book you gave me, I enjoyed it very much." when they didn't read the book at all. "You look great in that outfit." When the person in the outfit looks simply ok.

The Pisces will pick up on those insincere vibes. It would make the Pisces uncomfortable to hear the Libra be superficial and insincere just to "keep things nice."

The Libra wants to be social. The Pisces is often "in their dreams worlds". Pisces are mystical, chilling with the subconscious. There's times when the Pisces isn't "feeling it" about getting together with the Libra's friends.

Also when the Libra wants to relate every detail of a social engagement that the Pisces didn't go to, the Pisces might "tune out" the Libra chatter. The Libra's feelings would get hurt because the Pisces doesn't care about the Libra's friends.

I think these two signs can be ok as friends, but there's an aspect, the inconjunct (also called quincunx), when the signs aren't exactly opposite, as would Pisces and Virgo, but one sign over, like Pisces and Libra. The inconjunct is difficult to find a way to smooth the disconnect.

"Sun quincunx Sun:
What does it mean in a relationship when your Sun is quincunx your romantic partner’s Sun? A Sun quincunx Sun aspect signals you need to make adjustments if you want this romantic relationship to work out. You don’t have a whole lot in common, the same differences that caught your attention in the first place are likely to become minor annoyances working their way up toward major frustrations over time. You are both looking for love, not the same kind, not the same way. If one likes it loud, the other prefers it muted. You both want something else out of life."

Because of that inconjunct I'd say, no, based on Sun sign alone. There could be other interchart aspects that caused the draw and promote long term endurability. Without the full charts it's impossible to tell.

depends on the rest of their charts. i'm a pisces and went out for a couple of years with a libra -- but his moon was in pisces so he was pretty sensitive (in the end, too much so for a moon in capricorn like me!!!). librans do usually dislike clinginess, although they love companionship. they are gentle and refined and socially eloquent, which pisces admires, but pisces may be a little wild or too unpredictable for your typical libran. i think there is a lot of potential, especially if moons are compatible. both love pleasure, beauty and leisure, which can make for a romantic pairing, although a typical libra can ultimately be a little too aloof for pisces.

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