How is numerology important to our lives? What does it do?!

Question: Basically, i was watching a program about this, on MANO YA NA MANO......(dunno if u watch it) but it was all about numerology and it showed a girl who just changed a name and she was very succesful in life! I mean. how does that work????
And what are the alphabet in numerology? isn't it like 4 and 8 numbers really bad!

Answers: Basically, i was watching a program about this, on MANO YA NA MANO......(dunno if u watch it) but it was all about numerology and it showed a girl who just changed a name and she was very succesful in life! I mean. how does that work????
And what are the alphabet in numerology? isn't it like 4 and 8 numbers really bad!

Nothing.... they just fool you. If it really work means all the person who does that profession (Numerologists) will be in good position.

Mr Warren Buffett wont be in the first place as the world most richest man. The person who does the Mano Ya Na Mano will be in that position.

Mr. Ambani / Mr. Tata dint follow it but they are rich, its only because of HARD WORK & KNOWLEDGE.


Numerology is the study of numbers, and the occult manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan. Each letter has a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration. The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie. Experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate. I'm not claiming that this website is going to make an expert of you so that all these questions can be answered, but we can at least get you on the way.


Introduction to numerology attempts to explain the basics of this interesting discipline. It teaches how to change the letters in your name to numbers which reveal much about your personality and potentials. You'll get the feel of the numbers from the thumbnail sketch in the numerology keywords. Next you'll find a worksheet to help get organized and prepared for the task of assembling a complete reading of the numbers in your name and birth date. Following the format template, you'll be able to set up a reading that will include your Life Path number and the lifepath periods, your Destiny number, your Soul Urge, birthday, inner dreams, pinnacles, challenges, gifts and limitations. Your personal year will lend clues as to what kind of a year to expect this year and next. Finally, the Essence of the year will show what is demanding attention in your life and where your personal efforts will be focused. Finally, just added: learn your plane of expression. Your name reveals much about your personality.
The concept of using numerology to estimate the potential for longterm compatibility with a prospective partner is a surefire way increase your odds for a good relationship. Looking to numerology is also a good way to address problems in an existing relationship, and gain new understanding.
That said, I want to make it clear that while some numbers seem to blend together easily and with little friction, and other numbers seem to be rubbing against the grain for you, there are no absolutes or ideals that you should be seeking. You can use the guide below to quickly compare two individual Lifepath numbers and the Destiny or Expression numbers, or any of the other numbers in the profile for that matter. While some may wish to carry this further and compare other factors in the respective profiles, and many numerologists do, my sense is that these two important numbers should be the focus of your investigation.

The most important number in your comparison is the Lifepath number. If you haven't learned how to calculate and understand the meaning of the Lifepath, click here to go to the page on this topic. It is important to build a relationship with a partner having a Lifepath compatible with your own because for both individuals, the Lifepath number shows the natural inclinations at birth and the set of traits that will always be present in you and in your prospective partner. You must act on these traits to attain a sense of self-worth and happiness. For example, the Lifepath 3 is one that emphasizes expression, sociability, and creativity as the natural mode of activity for its native. When these traits are highly valued by the Lifepath of the partner, such traits are readily supported and living together as a couple is facilitated. When these numbers are not in harmony, some degree of compromise will be necessary for both individuals to maintain a comfort zone and sense of general happiness.

Next in importance is the Expression or Destiny number which is the number calculated from your full birth name. If you are not familiar which converting your name to a single digit number, please revisit the page on this topic. The Expression number defines the direction in life and what you must strive to attain.


Over the years one of the most often received questions has been related to name changes - what effect changes have upon destiny, upon success, and so forth. Most numerology guides, including mine, usually spend most of their ink discussing the Expression or Destiny number, which is exclusively based upon the officially recorded birth name. This number shares the top slot along with the date of birth as the most important factors in modern numerology. That official Destiny number suggests the direction of growth, development, and what you must achieve. This name and the representative number associated with it stays with you throughout your life. But what about the name we decide to use in our everyday business, in our marriage, with our friends, and perhaps in our public and professional lives?

The name changes you may use in your life include nicknames you go by for a while or maybe for a lifetime, professional names you adopt to help your acting or writing career, the married name, or simply a shorthand version of your full name which most of us use. Almost everyone has used several names that pass into and out of usage during our lives. To evaluate your changed name, consider the name you commonly use and how you might be introduced to new people you meet.

Each different name that we choose to use at one time or another in our life sends out its own meaning. Sometimes these names are picked up and used with no knowledge of what vibrations are resulting. In other cases, stage names and pen names are well thought out and often credited with helping their owner achieve success.

Interestingly, at times name changes can get in the way of our pursuit of our destiny as shown by the birth name. Take for example one with the Destiny number 2. Development would be in a direction accentuating sensitiveness to the feelings of others, diplomacy in handling complicated situations, gaining skills as an outstanding facilitator. By taking a name expressing a more powerful and commanding presence such as the number 8, attainment in the direction of this individual's destiny is, to say the least, slowed down quite a bit while this name is being used. The changed name becomes something of a mask hiding the real person behind the name.

A changed name can sometime adversely tip the balance in your numerology profile. Let's say your lifepath number is 5 and your were born on the 23rd day of the month - also 5 energy. If you adopt a changed name for some reason which results in the addition of even more 5 energy, you may end up with an overload of this particular number. When any number is overemphased in a profile, the negative characteristics of the number are more apt to emerge. In this case, you might become careless, irresponsible, and resistant to authority using this changed name.

To get an idea about what the name change you are considering or the name you are using may be saying about you, calculate the numerology value of the name using the same method outlined on the Destiny page. Next, visit the keywords page to check the general tone of the name in question.


There is no factual basis to numerology whatsoever.

no,there is no effect of numerology,gems stone,Jataka or any graha dosha in our life.All these are false.human can change it's life by hard work(KARMA) not by changing it's name or wearing stones.
Important to our life ?there is no single space for it.
Do NISHKAMA KARMA.Live well.Nothing else

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