Is a Pisces compatible with...?!

Question: another Pisces?

Answers: another Pisces?

Love Compatibility of Pisces with Pisces

When two Pisces hook up, they may have a hard time building something stable and lasting. At first, it may feel like you're looking into the magical eyes of your soul-mate. In time, though, you'll realize that you're spending so much time gazing into those magical eyes that you've completely neglected the outside world. The biggest challenge you'll face in this relationship will be finding ways to ground yourself in the world you spend so much time trying to escape from. If you can make the practical parts work, you can find lasting happiness with each other.

Friendship Compatibility of Pisces with Pisces

Making friends with a fellow Fish can be an extremely satisfying experience. It's nice not to have to explain your uncanny hunches to this friend, since you both possess intuitive powers that are practically psychic. Furthermore, you're both extremely creative people whose imaginations only increase in each other's presence. The two of you can make some incredible breakthroughs while dancing, taking pictures, or writing poetry together. Granted, both of you have a tendency to brood, which can enable each other to engage in negative behavior. You may want to seek someone else's help when you're wallowing in misery. Similarly, it's probably better to consult an Air or Earth Sign when you need help with practical matters like filing your taxes, doing home repairs, or tinkering with electrical equipment. Naturally, you have many common interests, including swimming, dancing and photography.

Business Compatibility of Pisces with Pisces

When two Pisces collaborate together, they are plunged into a sea of dreams. Neither one of you is interested in grabbing the reins of power. You'd both rather forget worldly concerns and focus on creative endeavors. This is wonderful pairing for artistic fields like fashion, photography and film. You also work well in caring professions like nursing, eldercare and physical therapy. If the two of you are engaged in work that puts you before the public, you should work to bolster each other's egos. Overcoming your mutual fears of public speaking will improve your professional prospects tremendously. Speaking up on each other's behalf is also wise, since each of you has trouble defending your personal interests.

yes... they are most compatible with water signs

Yes they are very compatible, the only problem is that a they like to dream alot and live in a unrealistic world. but still they will get along really well.

I think they are the most compatible with Pisces actually.

Yes, as long as you two fish swim in the same direction.

PISCES is compatible with Sagittarius, Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces.

Best Match For Pisces Is Pisces
This match has a lot of potential to be just heaven. You need to hope that there is someone around to remind you to pay the bills, and get to work on time, as both of you will tend to be so wrapped up in one another there will be times you will be oblivious to all else!

Worst Match For Pisces is Taurus
The deep introspective Pisces is mysterious, but Taurus could very well be an open book to impressionable Pisces, easily read and manipulated. These things can be overcome, of course, but all things considered, it is not a good match.

Love & Blessings

To be honest any sign paired with the same sign is usually an annoying coupling. It may be too much of the same thing. Kind of like eatng a lot of the foods you love all the time and never having anything different. You get sick of it soon. And with Cancers we're usually clingy and aren't willing to make the first move so its hard to even start a relationship. Pisces are generally friendly and peace-loving but can be emotionlly unstable, so they need more of a rock for a partner. Tey the relationship out. Don't rule somebody out because of the sun sign.

I believe that is the bet match for a Pisces. You should know, that Pisces is compatible with other water signs like him, and earth signs too. His opposites are Leo,Saggitarius, and Aries because their element is Fire (although, you might be able to tame Leo). You're other matches excluding yourself:

Best Bets: Scorpio, Capricorn, Cancer
Please shoot yourself now: Gemini, Saggitarius, Aries
Just Friends: Taurus
The Dark horse: Leo, Virgo

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