Earth signs are modest?!

Question: I'm an aries and I when I do something I have to stand out. I'm the life of the party, strive to be the best at everything, which in most things I am. I find alotta earth signs dull and there happy just being an average joe. Is this typical of them?

Answers: I'm an aries and I when I do something I have to stand out. I'm the life of the party, strive to be the best at everything, which in most things I am. I find alotta earth signs dull and there happy just being an average joe. Is this typical of them?

Modest? Hmmm. In certain situations, yes we are modest. We believe there is a time and a place for everything and we do not need to be the life of the party at all times, we are not braggarts and we definitely don't need to stand out, but we always do. I am a Virgo and I definitely do not like to be the "center of attention", but I always am because I dress very stylishly. At work, I am very efficient, organized, and detail-oriented, so I get praise, rewards, and promotions without even trying because of my work-ethic. I am dating a Capricorn and he is very reserved at work, but he stands out because he is a very loyal and hard worker. When we are out together, we make a stunning couple because we are always smiling, always laughing and always joking. We constantly receive compliments about how we look like we stepped off an ad or people asking can they join our party. There is nothing dull about us and no one can even keep up with our comings and goings. When we party, we are the party and we travel extensively.

So overall, we have to be comfortable with people to let out hair down. We don't believe everyone should know or see every facet of our being, so in that way, yes we are modest, but it is in a good way. You should hang out with us sometimes. LOL!

Yes they are modest

My favorite one is Taurus of the earth signs cuz they are the most romantic sweet guys who will stick around when they love someone..

its not necessarily that theyre dull or average joes. its simply that its their nature to be modest. just because they are modest doesnt mean they cant be great at things or that they cant have fun. they are just......modest. ive known so many people who are admirable, and they have been very modest. anybody can be great at many things, its just that everyone has a different outlook on modesty.

Earth signs, I agree, are too down-to-earth and they blend with their natural habitants. They're sensual, meaning they engage with life through the five senses. It takes time to sense the dense physical world, and earth signs can operate at a slower, more thorough pace than the other elements.

They're oriented toward what's real, and often this makes them very productive, able to create tangible results. But if there are no balancing elements, earth's extremes could lead to being a work-a-holic, hoarding of possessions, pettiness, and yes DULL.

Don't compare yourself with these signs. Aries has to be first in everything. No second place whatsoever. Earth are afraid to make changes and do not have adaptability like Air and Fire signs.

Aries is a fiery and robust sign earth sign folks r cold and pragmatic down to earth if you r to rely only on zodiac signs go 4 Leos Scorpios and saggy being a n Aries

Earth signs are modest? Really?

I saw a huge Coca-Cola sign that was lit up, and sparkled and everything............

I'm a Capricorn – and i've been described as dull by my ex-boyfriend which is a Libra. He's out-going, i'm not.
I'm not all that dull. I'm just not comfortable around him. I don't trust him either. I only trust a few people...
But, i'm definitely not the life of the party. And i am happy with just being the "average joe".
I hate big gatherings and meeting new people, anyway!


there are three earth signs but they are all not the same though they appear to be grounded in their own ways.

in my opinion, out of the three, caps are the least modest ones and can be pretty dull at times, virgos as the most modest but not as dull when you get to know them better and finally the taurus, they're neither modest nor dull, seemingly happy to be the average joes yet they still function well at any level, whereas caps and virgos are not. virgos are too critical and analytical to even be associated with the average while caps are well known for their ambitious and practical traits, to even regard themselves as average.

if there is any earth sign to share the same aspirations like an aries would like you've mentioned (directly, indirectly) eg. strive to be the best at everything, having to stand out in everything they do, me first attitude, the caps would be your closest call.

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