How do Female Aries' Handle Extreme Stress?!

Question: Hey. I'm a 19 y.o. male Leo (sun sign) dating a slightly younger female Aries (sun sign). Lately she has been under extreme stress. A recent ex-boyfriend of hers has gone to jail for a rather extreme crime and she's more than a little shaken by the whole thing. In the past whenever she's had problems I have been able to help calm her down and talk her back to her normal self as I am very good with such things and have been for many years. The thing here is that I am new to dating and this is a relatively new relationship - 3 months now, but she is back at school a couple states away and this happened while she's been there so I haven't been able to be with her physically to help out, we only really get to talk online and the phone. I'm not used to not being able to help but no matter what I try to do here I don't seem to be able to get her to snap out of this state of utter shock and despair.

How do girls with their sun in Aries handle extreme stress? How/can I help her?

Answers: Hey. I'm a 19 y.o. male Leo (sun sign) dating a slightly younger female Aries (sun sign). Lately she has been under extreme stress. A recent ex-boyfriend of hers has gone to jail for a rather extreme crime and she's more than a little shaken by the whole thing. In the past whenever she's had problems I have been able to help calm her down and talk her back to her normal self as I am very good with such things and have been for many years. The thing here is that I am new to dating and this is a relatively new relationship - 3 months now, but she is back at school a couple states away and this happened while she's been there so I haven't been able to be with her physically to help out, we only really get to talk online and the phone. I'm not used to not being able to help but no matter what I try to do here I don't seem to be able to get her to snap out of this state of utter shock and despair.

How do girls with their sun in Aries handle extreme stress? How/can I help her?

My ex bf was an Aries. I have also dated a Leo, and I understand that they are generally sunny and upbeat and are very very sweet and generous. Not a mean bone in their bodies, unlike Aries, who can wound somebody without meaning to by being bullheaded, arrogant, and temperamental. But Aries are very passionate and loving and this makes up for it completely. Aries in general can be moody when they are stressed out and will deny being stressed out, but will snap at you if you try to talk to them about their feelings or problems. (At least for male Aries. Female will be similar.)
The way to get through to somebody who doesn't want to talk about stuff is to pamper them physically and mentally. Encourage her to do self-massage when you aren't around to give her massages and hugs. Have her use lotions and bath products with relaxing and invigorating scents such as lavender (relaxing), citrus (invigotating), etc. Send her pictures of cute animals or pics of you. Have her get a manicure and buy nice clothes and encourage her to do relaxation exercises like meditation or yoga or just a normal gym workout she will start feeling more relaxed.
Use that natural sweetness and very sharp awareness of everything she feels to make her feel special and she'll know you're there for her.
Leos are awesome.

Aries love strength. Be strong for her, and help her find her inner strength again. Figure out if there's anything you can do, or help her do for herself, to make her feel stronger and more protected where she is. With Aries, actions really speak louder than words. I know it's hard for you to do much from where you are, but do as much as you can. Listen to her, be there for her, send her things if you can, give her empowering information, visit her if you can. Encourage her to be active, surround herself with trusted friends, and not just sit around by herself thinking about things. Good luck!

My dear,lovely mother was aries,she wouls handle stress by talking to alot of people.She would talk espically to someone who she felt comfortable with.
She also would relax,and think.Alot of crying,helping others out.
Again that was my mother,who was always there for anyone.

There is no correlation between your birth date and the celestial alignments. Be more skeptical.

Talk to her... reassure her, and always listen to her when she needs to talk her head off. Talking helps.

Remember, Aries have hot tempers, so she may yell scream and vent. REMEMBER that she is not yelling AT you. She is not mad at you . She will need to this a few times, and she will eventually find that inner strength within herself. Aries fire of survival, when it kicks in, it goes full throtal. She will be ok then. Good luck :)

I'm an Aries female...the way I handle stress...well, I cry...and cry...and cry. LOL. Seriously, It's true. But I also get angry and vent and get mad at people. All because that's how I deal with stress. but then after all that venting, I get back to the task at hand and think positively once again.

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