What is my zodiac sign?!

Question: I know it's sort of a stupid question.
My birthday is October 23rd.
The computer says I'm a Scorpio and the newspaper says I'm a Libra... What should I go by?

Answers: I know it's sort of a stupid question.
My birthday is October 23rd.
The computer says I'm a Scorpio and the newspaper says I'm a Libra... What should I go by?

Which do you really feel like? There is quite a difference between the two, in my humble opinion. Librans are 'people pleasers' who want to maintain an equilibrium with everything in their lives. Scorpios can be very intense and interested in all things mysterious and tend to hold grudges or remember past slights for years. Since you're so close to the cusp, I think you're entitled to decide which you are. You may exhibit traits of both, but with which do you identify more?

scorpio, libra ends on 10/22

actually u r in a cusp. That is u have influence of both Libra and Scorpio but Scorpio will hav major influence.


your a libra.


scorpio starts at october 24th. not 23rd.

You are born on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio. The real determination would be based on the date you were conceived.
If you were a regular term baby then you are most likely a Scorpio but if you were a premature baby then you are Libra (or even a Virgo if you were premature enough). Many astrologists now accept the date of conception as a closer indicator of your birth sign.

Also, your traits will likely indicate which star sign is you. Do some comparisons and see if they match.

go to http://www.astrotheme.fr/en and go to free natal chart. It will tell you if you're either a libra or a scorpio. You can Not be both signs and I personally believe there are NO cusps.

You're mostly a Scorpio, that's your major influence.
But you do have Libra traits since you were born in the cusp of a Libra.
But, you're a Scorpio.

u are scorpio newspapers are not alwys correct

your both

The Astrology & Numerology of your Birthday

Your Sun is in Scorpio in the Scorpio decanate and the Scorpio quadrant.
The rulers of your Sun in Scorpio are Pluto and Mars.

NOTE: You were born on the cusp of the signs Libra and Scorpio. You may be a Libra, and only your time and place of birth can determine this.

You are a persuasive, interesting, and clever person. There is a mischievous playfulness about you, and you like to poke fun at more serious or pompous individuals. You have much magnetic appeal, with both sexes. You are one of the most observant people around, and your understanding of human nature belies your years in age. Your wit is sharp, yet you are sensitive to the feelings of people you hold dear.

Johnny Carson, born October 23, 1925 Entertainer. Host of The Tonight Show for 30 years.

Bob Montana, born October 23, 1920 Cartoonist. Author of the Archie comic strip.

Dwight Yoakam, born October 23, 1956 Country singer.

Progressed Sun: Turning Points in the Life
Your progressed Sun enters Sagittarius at age 30. The ages of 29 to 31 mark a critical turning point in the development of your personality. After some sort of crisis of consciousness, and perhaps elimination of circumstances that have been limiting your growth, you begin to feel lighter, more free, and decidedly more outgoing. Your desire to learn increases, and your sense of humor is enriched. You are more flexible during this period as well.

Your progressed Sun enters Capricorn at age 59. The ages of 58 to 60 mark a critical turning point in the development of your personality. You become more practical, mindful, and concerned about your personal security. You are a self-starter, and you become more shrewd and focused on your goals.

Degree Meanings of your Sun:
Sabian Symbol:
Sabian symbols present imagery associated with the degree of your Sun in Scorpio (or Libra, depending on your time of birth). Either of the following may apply, depending on the exact degree of your Sun:

If Sun is 28-29 degrees Libra:

"Three Mounds Of Knowledge On A Philosopher's Head"

If Sun is 0-1 degrees Scorpio:

"A Crowded Sightseeing Bus On A City Street"

Harmonic Degree Meaning:
The following is the degree meaning of your Sun (0 degrees Scorpio) based on harmonic sign influences.*
"Quiet, intense, magnetic. Tries to be fair to everyone; concerned with equal
rights for all people. Capable of great self-control when the cause is worthwhile."

Numerology of October 23
You were born on the 23rd day, which reduces to a 5. You are expressive and quick-witted. You don't want to--and probably don't--miss anything. Factoring in the 10th month of October, you are a number 6. You possess extraordinary charm and you are fiercely protective of those you hold dear. Factoring in your birth year gives you your Birth Path Number—a highly personal number for you.

You Are Drawn to People Born on...
Easy, subtle attraction and harmony: You don't feel an irresistible pull towards each other, but over time, appreciate the peace you have between you. These people are good for you, although they might not challenge you to grow.
February 14-24, June 16-26, August 19-26, December 19-26

On-again, off-again attraction. This is a complex connection, and you make an odd yet interested couple.
March 19-23, May 19-23, September 21-25, November 21-25

A mysterious attraction that can be very romantic...or completely platonic! This is a spiritual connection that has a magical quality to it.
February 1-5, July 6-10, August 29-September 2, December 11-15

Opposites attract. Push me, pull me. You could complement each other well if you allow yourselves to learn from each other, or you could actively war against each other.
April 15-25

Attraction of the soul; challenging, intense, rich, and binding.
September 10-14, December 1-5

Powerful, tumultuous attraction--you are aware of the distinct differences between you, but may be drawn to each other because of the simultaneous awareness of a need and a lack. Either the relationship is ongoing and obviously tumultuous and of a "love-hate" nature, or it flows well until it breaks unexpectedly.
January 16-26, March 4-8, June 4-8, July 17-27, September 5-9, October 18-28, December 6-10

Creative, communicative, inspiring, and spiritually rewarding connections.
January 1-5, March 13-17, May 25-29, August 8-12

What's in the Cards...
The card associated with your birthday is the Queen of Hearts. You are warm, passionate, protective, creative, and you have a true appreciation for the dramatic. Your love card is the Eight of Diamonds. You are able to mix business with pleasure, and enjoy doing it. You are attracted to, or you attract, people who are success-oriented, accomplished, and practical.

it depends on they year and location of your birth. You can go to a free site and to get your basic chart figured out. Some astrologers will tell you your sign and rising for free, so call around but you should be able to do it yourself on line.
Most likely you're Scorpio.

Well, technically, you're a little of both.
Half Libra & Half Scorpio.
Use both to your favor. :-)

Look, if you want to know the REAL truth, here is how:

Libra, is from September 23-October 22. Libra dominates the body areas of the ovaries, lumbar spine and kidneys. Scorpio is from October 23-November 21. Scorpio, like yourself, dominates the blood, nose, genitals, urethra and bladder. This is how people are able to tell one sign from another. People always say, "You are on the cusp" or "Cusps do not exist". Yes, you are definitely on the Libra\Scorpio cusp but you are still a Scorpio. If most people knew about the book that I have and how each day has an effect on your personality, they wouldn't tell you false things. You should go by Scorpio but check ASTROLOGY, not horoscopes for your Libra side as well. To, if most knew the time lengths of most of the central images and cusp concepts, they would know, for ex: Libra\Scorpio is from October 19-25, not 19-23, because then that short amount of cusp time is too much for non-cusp images.

You are born on a cusp day so you have to know the exact time of the birth and also the place where you were born. Then if you consult an astrologer they could tell you what sign you are. You can't be both of the signs as that is impossible. You are either Libra or Scorpio. There is an easier way to find out, you just have to what you feel. There is a marked difference between both the signs, so just see for yourself which one you feel like.

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