My B/f Is A Cancer And I'm An Aries......?!


we've known each other for a few months and he is the best ever ^ _ ^ I just wanted to share.... aren't you happy for us?

we even eachother out we're almost exactly alike...I remember not to be so harsh and he remains interesting ^ _ ^


we've known each other for a few months and he is the best ever ^ _ ^ I just wanted to share.... aren't you happy for us?

we even eachother out we're almost exactly alike...I remember not to be so harsh and he remains interesting ^ _ ^

If u keep not to be so harsh, he'll adore u all the way.

Well this relationship sounds like it will be difficult down the road. Cancers are ruled by the Moon which is feelings. Us Aries are always on the go and do not have time for a Cancer who will cry every five minutes. If ever there were two emotional opposites, it's Cancer and Aries. Cancers are deeply caring and highly sensitive. Aries are more playful and light-hearted and may not have the patience for someone who thinks and feels so much. Cancers may cramp an Aries style - they worry about everything. Aries would rather do it now and worry about it later - if at all. This doesn't mean Aries and Cancer can't have a good relationship, though. If Aries can take the time to work through their Cancer partner's feelings, and Cancer can give Aries room to be spontaneous, they might just be happy after all.


I still have dibs on the couch!

I know you are both are happy now, but to be honest Cancer and Aries are not compatiable signs.

But here is some scoop not cut and paste from some website by quote by Linda Chapmon's books of Love Signs

I love this book and it gives me some insight about my very own relationship

A crab can become a little tense and edgy, spinning around on an Aries carousel.. Aries seek acceptance while they are rushing around feverishly courting rejection with their impulsive thoughless ways.

Like all females born under the sign of Aries, you are ruled by the masculine planet Aries... the Aries (you) have private doubts about your feminity. You are dominant. You are honest to imitate very word and action. Your boyfriend (Cancer) makes you laugh a lot which helps your dominating personality become sweeter.

With him you can do and say what is on your mind, and do what you want.

You both are intensely jealous. He however has to be careful not to later smother you since he can be both jealous and possessive.

Aries can become desolate in the face of the Cancer moody spells of depression, and finally the Aries Ram may need to escape. But, with your cheery personality you may cheer him up.

There is more info but I cannot type the entire chpt... too much time... but here is some spill on your relationship and what to look out for and what to enjoy.

Good Luck

I think you to make a cute couple

Worst match ever but......Yes, you are drawn to him. Yes, there is undeniable physical chemistry between you. But you are complete opposites in personality.

Chances are he's either driving you up a wall or driving you crazy or you have learnt how to roll with the punches as we say.

If he tells you he'd rather stay home and watch TRL than hit the mall with you and your friends. The original homebody, Cancer needs some solitude once and a while. The good news: he's one of the most loyal guys in the zodiac.
He's there for you. He knows how to treat women. After all, his best friend is his mother. When you marry a Cancer man, you get them both.

Aries woman find that if a man makes you feel "safe", you'll somehow feel yourself drawn to him. What can you expect from Cancer ? He ofers this perfectly.
Cancer enjoy a challenge, and may find it enjoyable to be "chased" or seduced by an assertive woman and you are assertive at the very least whichcould explain the easy-going relatinship thus far.

However, the relationship is unlikely to be long term or truly fulfill each others needs and desires. But I have not seen the placement of Moon, Mars and Venus. So for right now, enjoy it.

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