Does this relationship have a chance?!

Question: her: mid 20's, virgo, very cute

him: mid 30's, pisces, very handsome

Answers: her: mid 20's, virgo, very cute

him: mid 30's, pisces, very handsome

If you believe that opposite attracts...then go for it.

Having said this, historian meets actor --- let the play begin.

Pisces' sexuality can bring out the erotic side in you. On the other hand, it's extremely good in the bedroom for him, but difficult out of the bedroom. You both crave attention and affection yet you want to do your own thing.

You may be drawn to Pisces because he shares an intellectual, logical way of looking at the world. But, he is also a dreamer who spends a lot of his time theorizing about the future and chasing wild ideas to see where they lead. Meanwhile, you’re stuck doing all the practical stuff. He’s the type of guy, with you, who will try to get you to do his homework so he can figure out how to reconfigure his computer. You’ll feel used, and you’ll get extremely frustrated at his head-in-the-sky behaviour, but you won’t be able to change him. A difficult match that’s better left unmade.

Virgo will be encouraged to make most of the decisions, and he willingly abides by them, as long as no mistakes are detected. If you make a mistake in judgement, then Pisces can become as critical as Virgo, and point the error out sharply.
Pisces cannot seem to handle money, as it slips through his/her fingers like water, so Virgo will have to deal with the financial end of the union.

Virgos imagination in the bedroom is somewhat limited, and Pisces could put a strain on the Virgoans nerves when Pisces' lets the imagination run to outrageous perversions.

Don't try to switch personalities overnight, you couldn't do it anyway. But resolve to allow a little more time for romance in your life. You'll start to blossom in quite an unexpected way!

only if you talk to him. pisces and virgo have absoultely nothing to do with it! Horoscopes are for ENTERTAINMENT only. dont go basing your life on them!

Virgo & Pisces
Piscean imagination and poetry provide needed relief to Virgoan common sense, broadening horizons which would otherwise become monotonous. These two individuals share an open-mindedness which would promote discovery, and they may find a way to be happy together. The Piscean can sense the Virgo's desires intuitively, which is ideal for their sex life. If the Virgoan respects the Fish's mysterious inner depths, he or she will derive great rewards from Pisces. A sense of love is one of the gifts both individuals possess.

the Pisces and Virgo are polar opposites. it's like a Religious philosopher (Pisces) being with a Scientist (Virgo) that will have nothing to do with philosophy. However it's not uncommon for them to be attracted to each other. I'm a Pisces and I find that I tend to try to be with signs that I'm not compatible with because I like the challenge, but I've never tried Virgo I actually don't know any. Gemini's and Leo's are my temptations.

They are astrological opposites. I thi nk it is a good match as long as the age difference doesn't come into play.


Virgo Woman & Pisces Man
This is not a very good match for either one of you. You may be drawn to the Pisces boy because he shares with you an intellectual, logical way of looking at the world. However, he is also a dreamer who spends a lot of his time theorizing about the future and chasing wild ideas to see where they lead. Meanwhile, you’re stuck doing all the practical stuff. He’s the type of guy, with you, who will try to get you to do his homework so he can figure out how to reconfigure his computer. You’ll feel used, and you’ll get extremely frustrated at his head-in-the-sky behaviour, but you won’t be able to change him. A difficult match that’s better left unmade. ( Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

Opposites on the zodiac, Virgo girl has met her match with Pisces boy. Although he doesn't wear it on his sleeve, Pisces boy is just as ambitious as you are, and wants to make his mark on the world just as much as you. Conversations between the two of you will never be dull; just be careful not to hurt each other with unkind words when you're angry!

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