An emotionally available Aquarius?!

Question: Don't you think a Pisces Rising or Pisces Moon fix the emotionally distant characteristic of Aquarius Sun signs?

Answers: Don't you think a Pisces Rising or Pisces Moon fix the emotionally distant characteristic of Aquarius Sun signs?

Yes, I think so... I have Venus conjunct Ascendant in Pisces, and I'm usually one of the first to laugh and cry =P
So yeah, a Pisces Moon or Ascendant would help, but also Venus, making Aquarians more in touch with their emotions, and less distant.

Edit: (Yes, my Sun's in Aquarius)

it could definitely make a difference. especially since water ussualy comes on top of air. and pisces which is all about substance, would hate the idea.

well,i am aquarius and i am emotional.I was born on feb 4th.

Do you mean that the person is Aquarian by Sun and Piscean by moon and rising sign? Maybe but I tell you what I have seen of my self and try to explain through an example

I am a leo by Sun and a Scorpio by both rising and moon. I can have those scorpio tendencies which are contradictory to my sun but the sun always remains very strong and has the major and true influence as such. For example as a leo I am forever kind and forgiving except in some rare situations or that outwardly a leo may behave that he/she seems to be callous but essentially remain extremely kind and compassionate. Similarly a scorpio as contrary to the Leo is quiet vindictive and seldom forgiving even though kind.Some scorpions are not really vindictive more than the fact that they dont let go an opponent or culprit unless they equal the score or punish. Even with these two major scorpion influences my Leonine nature remains extremely strong so almost all the time in such situations I am my leo self though I have noticed slight ie not very strong tendencies of the scorpio nature in my self.But they are quiet feeble to dominate and overcome the basic Leo nature.But yet I cant deny that those scorpion effects are not totally absent and can surface though either in extremely rare times or only in a lesser proportion.If provoked too much such a leo can become an extremely tough,persistent and dangerous enemy and even ruthless like the scorpio yet in most situations his stronger impulses of justice, mercy and forgiveness will always reign and he will avoid at best injuring or harming even an enemy

So as per my observations its always the sun that has major and real influence.Though the books do say that ascendant and moon make a lot of difference and alter the nature of the sun but as per what I have seen those effects or alterations are still minor and exert no real power and influence

Last but not the least the signs are not all that determine and they dont determine anyone fully.An aquarius can be even extremely emotional and least selfish to very close ones .I have seen that

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